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About Revial

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    The space between

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  1. In all reality 3rd class is meant to be a jump above their respective trans class, which is the most logical step considering that the Trans are meant to be a jump up from their respective 2nd class and so on. Each class is meant to have a distinct advantage and disadvantage. Balance was never an aspect in my mind. My opinion is, if you intend to take these classes and attempt to round them out or balance them, you shouldn't be allowing anything beyond the normal cap in levels and status. That's just how I feel, anyways.
  2. There is that. Of course.
  3. I'm going to disagree. Tweaking sprites is an absurdly simple thing in my opinion. The custom gears are just that, tweaked sprites with custom effects. These can be added on a whim. Same with palette colors and other various things. In my opinion, throwing up a 'beta' or test server to actually gain feedback would be the first steps toward actual implementation, not the addition of sprites.
  4. I agree with your agree...ing. I remember when 3rd Jobs came out as well. If you compare servers that have 3rd to one that is merely bouncing the idea around or (ugh) to one that has the sprites, it won't take a genius to tell you that the actual classes themselves are much more popular simply because they are something new and exciting that strays from the dragged out Trans classes. I will disagree with you on your second point, though. It's a matter of copypasta and tweaking based on the reception of the community accordingly. It's a shame such topics as these aren't taken seriously.
  5. I agree.
  6. It's my firm belief that should something be dulled down to satisfy the masses and squelch the complaining, nothing is better than having something you no longer want.
  7. Agreed, however, not everyone has access to that card. The argument of 'just farm' comes up but my counter argument is over farming. Like I said, it would be nice, but lots of work involved to please everyone.
  8. I count nine Warlock skills alone that boost damage by 500+% (The max being 3000%). Simply removing them effectively nerfs the class. I imagine the % being knocked down to half wouldn't be enough on the 3k% skills since those would still amplify by a massive amount. This only one class, you really need to consider how you'll over all effect the outcome and keep in mind the impact your nerf will have on the playability of that class, if any.
  9. It would be nice but the common complaint is the simple fact that these classes are too strong on servers that contain high levels such as this. Some new skills make you hit 1000% damage sometimes. So...go figure that out.
  10. Machinae Supremacy - Ninja
  11. Well...I did warn you.
  12. It would be funny without all the blood.

  13. ...poor Appie. I'll give you a proper burial.
  14. I think we're going to be going in circles if we don't get interrupted. I like your avatar. By the way.
  15. You aren't as weird as this man. Very few people reserve that right in my book. Either way, it was nice of you to welcome me, little Appie. Thank you.
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