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Forsaken Council
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Andromeda last won the day on December 22 2015

Andromeda had the most liked content!

About Andromeda

  • Birthday 11/05/2011

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    ForsakenRO GM Team

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Guardian (5/10)



  1. where did you poof, sir?

  2. heelllooo and welcome to the server, sir! I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us (:
  3. Oh why hello there, I hope you're having fun on the server already! (: Enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions, feel free to either ask players around ingame, use forums to ask under Support section or just @request ingame for a GM. If the problem is major you're free to use ticket system on forums to speak with GMs on private (ie. scam/hack/bug cases or any other reports you want to make). And lastly, welcome! :3
  4. Welcome to the server! (:
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GXxHtlcpP4&feature=relmfu
  6. Andromeda

    MvP Spawn Times

    Which ones are not (:? Your help is greatly appreciated and we'll fix it as soon as we can!
  7. No, I don't ! The person below me is sexy and they know it. :D
  8. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAKadyEvs9s&feature=plcp[/media]
  9. 187 ~
  10. 184 ~
  11. Recolors to what colors specifically? (: Also, I think this sounds pretty awesome.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIp11dBhegg
  13. Also imagine there's a possibility of pally-sinx marrige, which would be quite a dangerous combination. If pally happens to summon his loved one to the WoE map, then cast devotion on them - the person can ecall very very easily. Considering that, even if a person ecaller (or whoever really) is married to dies, it won't cancel the skill, is another strong point against this idea. I'm not sure if there's any way to actually do what you just suggested unless the entire purpose of the skill is changed - which I doubt many people will like.
  14. A person who is an ecaller of the bigger guild just dies due a guild who defends the castle - which leaves that person's guild without an ecall that could provide them castle, and makes the other guild win. However, because he's married, the person who he's married to could still be inside the castle - only using that skill anywhere on WoE map (including beside the emp) could make him come back without others being able to cancel it, he can ecall for his guild, the guild gets a castle because of it.
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