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Everything posted by kimiko

  1. Happy Valentines, Jason. Today, there is an awesome Valentine Special at Papa John's Pizza! And and and... I miss you, Jason. :]

  2. You are... so b.u.tiful... to me.

  3. Sure. :P
  4. Easy peasy, lemon squeasy.
  5. Jason is the cutest caucasian in teh ho why wurl, imo.
  6. *right click* ... *save*
  7. Go streaking. What would you do if Michael Jackson was sitting in a rocking chair, rocking, at the corner of your room, when you just woke up?
  8. Take a picture of him. How cute. What would you do if you found out the world is going to end today.
  9. Don't forget me! :[ We'll all miss you. Tell me how Mars goes.
  10. Rei's he-she joke, the Beyonce joke, and Irrev's joke did it for me. And God being in the bathroom... cute.
  11. 1. Venus 2. Fable 3. Faithy
  12. Granted but your legs got cooked from overheating due to intense heat and your legs melted... so you got *gg-pwnt* and layed on the floor and the birds ate you up, ALIVE. D: hu hu hu hu I wish for bunnies to eat trix, forever.
  13. Granted but the world had kryptonite planted everywhere, so you had no choice but to move... away... in outerspace I wish to be loved by him.
  14. kimiko

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