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Forsaken Elite
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About GenericName

  • Birthday 03/15/1975

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GenericName's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. I'm sorry to be blunt, but this is a PK server. If you're undergeared and don't like to be killed while farming, you shouldn't be playing on a PK server.
  2. Maybe we could use the Rainbow Emp sprite for this.. Or maybe even the Ice Emp. Make it account bound though.
  3. 2 Thors, Blessed Jacket, 2 Forgers for? Offer.
  4. NPC-> 100 tokens to randomly gain ANY Donation / WoE headgear. Obviously the horribly expensive ones can have a 0.01% chance to be obtained, but yeah. Sort of like a gambling system, which would be fun.
  5. Hahaha, Jeff doesn't hack, that makes me laugh hard. Anyways, my GS "Novas" was pretty good, would I say I was one of the best? Probably not. I did enjoy raping Lord Knights tho. :c
  6. Gtfo Kelly. LOL.
  7. Dem headgear hoes. Srs. Hi~
  8. Sweet, now I'm not the only old person here. ;) Welcome!
  9. Dat backslide KING! <3 :)
  10. Oh man! I played on Ethereal-Revenge, great server. Welcome to Forsaken-RO, if you have any questions feel free to ask me in-game. My whitesmith is Oäthkeeper! :3
  11. Great update. The fact that most Gunslingers use breakneck makes it even worse, I completely agree with the fact that the admins decided to increase the delay. Good Job. If you're upset because the skill has an increased delay, well, you're SOL.
  12. #1 prof my butt. JKJK, <3 Eduarda.
  13. See the bold? What you said there is stupidly false. Not everyone has hundreds of hours to sit around farming and fucking around, a lot of people, like myself work almost 60 hours a week and thus don't have time to farm all day. Even through farming, most people take MONTHS to get fully geared, unless they get stupidly lucky and find a thanatos card. Ain't nobody got time fo that. Edit: I also don't see what the problem with donating is, without the donations, this server wouldn't exist. No game would actually exist without donations or subscriptions. It's like you people are penalizing the people who donate and that's absolutely wrong.
  14. Flapping Angeling Wing Helm, it's there. The flappy white wings for the top headgear. :3
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