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Forsaken Elder
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Cookiezzzz last won the day on August 6 2013

Cookiezzzz had the most liked content!

About Cookiezzzz

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  • Real Name
    Steven E
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Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. This is true :) Just Visiting, I miss this game TPBM: Loves sushi
  2. The client is located where ever you downloaded the files. It is named, "Fkenro" Step 1: Right click the client Step 2: Select properties Step 3: Click on compatibility tab Step 4: Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select operating system (e.x. Windows 7, Vista) Step 5: Under Privilege level, check " Run this program as an administrator" After these steps, run the client again. If the problem still persists, repeat the steps for the patcher and run the patcher. -Cookiezzzz / Inextricable / Devoted.
  3. Cookiezzzz


    Am I the I only one who notices it says "An Old Man"?
  4. Cookiezzzz

    The Story Game

    Wtf ._. We talking about pandas now!? Decided to go.
  5. Yeah I am :( TPBM plays the guitar
  6. T> Wizard cape + Highness to Proffessor Cape + Highbrss
  7. I had this bug when I afked, then ecalled, then died. This big is rare for me. Yes, I had my effects on
  8. That doesn't happen with me. ._, it might be client side or a bug from one of your equips.
  9. And if things would sell lol. I try and buy random stuff from time to time to encourage others.
  10. Grats on post. I feel like this would be too much work. People would want more valk weps, capes, etc. It would be nice if I could put expert rings on a ninja or gs.
  11. Well, the old players worked hard for there gears. Not many people sell/buy things anymore. It would be awesome if we released a vote wep. Something designed for mvping.
  12. Cookiezzzz

    The Story Game

    And the balloons popped D:
  13. S>Sacred black wing :) I accept some trades Inextricable Emnesty
  14. S>Sacred black wing :) I accept some trades Inextricable
  15. Really nice update!
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