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Everything posted by Lavern

  1. It's been a super long time but I'm back(if anyone even still remembers me that is.)
  2. 2887
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LliTt05nRzM&feature=feedlik
  4. Lavern

    :] Yep, I'm New.

    Hello and welcome Evoh! I hope you enjoy your stay~
  5. Thank you so much!

  6. Taken into account~
  7. Lavern

    I Draw Stuff.

    I like your art, a lot.
  8. Thank youuuu :3

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing the other entries!
  10. Lavern


    Hello and welcome back!
  11. Hey Poringly I was wondering if you could make me a avatar and signature pretty please? c:

  12. Thanks you Veracity!

  13. Thanks Decode~

  14. Devil May Cry 4 OST - Bianco Angelo
  15. Read and understood~
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