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Huffle Puss

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Huffle Puss

  1. 2x Legendary Blade ^^ Leave IGN
  2. 1999
  3. 1749
  4. Bronze or Silver would be cool :>
  5. 1718
  6. I accept trades
  7. 1716
  8. 1714
  9. Ey.. you're a GM in that pic right?
  10. Dude.. They will be fixing this ASAP... BTM have fun playing
  11. You do understand that the server we are playing at is a little bit imbalanced compared the the RMS right?
  12. I accept trades OFFER
  13. 1712
  14. How about reducing the HP of the Guardian stones... I mean... you have 2 guardian stones and ea has 400m? Plus there are different flags on the castle so the guild can easily warp in different territories inside the castle. So what I'm saying is 400m hp in ea of the guardian stones is way too BIG! Who else agrees? Maybe 150 Mil for the stones will do... Because defenders just warp there and cast Sanctuary and safety wall..
  15. 1709
  16. Welcome back :3 !!!
  17. Huffle Puss

    3 Idiots

    Then click +1 on my post :3
  18. 1705
  19. Huffle Puss

    3 Idiots

    This is indeed the best Bollywood film I have ever watched. :3
  20. How can I improve my reputation?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. haLesSy21
    3. Xtopher


      People can + or - your posts. The more +'s you get the higher your reputation.

    4. Huffle Puss
  21. Thanks!
  22. 1701
  23. Ahh my cursor can't get out of the Forsaken RO screen... Can anyone help me please.. THANKS!
  24. "Bad Meets Evil" Lighters
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