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About Cyello

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    :SR: Cyello

Cyello's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Download this http://www.megaupload.com/?d=90YRVB6O file and unpack it into your RO folder. (You need WinRar or Winzip to unpack).

  2. Help me About Mercenary Error :(( Lua something >.<

    1. Decode


      Apparently you are missing the AI files try downloading this: forsaken-ro.net/rofiles.exe

    2. Decode


      If this doesn't solve your problem, make a topic in the support section.

  3. sir please help me about my AI M Lua error something :((((

  4. Sir Genesis please help me about my unquestionable ip banned account :\

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Seraphine


      When you get ip banned it's because you or someone sharing your ip did something that broke our rules and you won't be unblocked i'm sorry.

    3. Decode


      You could also add Genesis to MSN and discuss your problem directly with him.

    4. Cyello


      sir genesis is on work right now he said. :'(

  5. SIR where is the patch download link? im downlaod exceeded at megaupload :(

  6. Characters: i forgot the name cos its null :(( all i can remember is that i have a character named Sharon something . please help :( My Account was banned since last last year :(( I don't know the reason why am i banned and until now it was still banned :(( please help me. heres my email address sir :(( ill appreciate any hep :) and be satisfied for what is the decision. :)
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