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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. You're asking for something that isn't definetly not going to help. You get yourself some LOGIC ,I'm pretty sure only Pat is with you since he wants to use his professor at all the costs. You guys aren't thinking in what happens AFTER this change is done. Oh wait,nothing happens really. You can get them ride of their buffs,but you can't hit them with magic attacks. We don't need THAT. We want to hit with our DAMN MAGIC ATTACKS,not spam the fucking same skill. And after the change,since this is completely POINTLESS,we'll ask for another buff,which will have a way less chance of getting heard by since we just had a change,regardless being shittie or good. I'm ALL IN to buff Magic Classes,but there's Buffs and BUFFS. Keep suggesting,but diffrent stuff. And we're not supposed to have much logic in here as you don't have any. We can say whatever we want,it's a suggestion thread,we critiquize the suggestion. You're not really needed to go like ''omg this is dem best suggestion,plz hear to me,getz dem logic''.
  2. As I said,wizards are meant to be versatile. You're trying to stuck them with 1-2 skills. Magic crasher was rarely used on iRO. We're forced to use that last shittie option in here.
  3. You haven't re-posted to what I said before,wow,how...weird. Anyways,giving dispell to Wizards WILL NOT help. Why? Wizards aren't Professors. Professors do actually have a slight chance of Meelein (( Even though that chance is barely any ,except for PD professors )) ,but Wizards are far from being a Meele DPS class. And ..just spamming dispell? Wizards are meant to be one of the most versatile classes here,not a 1-skill class. I honestly don't get how giving dispell to Wizards is going to make this game more strategic. Honestly,you guys are watching to much programs. This is real business. Not Jerry's program.
  4. Forgive me if my english and the ways of explaining this aren't really understendable,but aren't you being a LITTLE to selfish? I mean,as far as I've been reading and of my knowledge,DISPELL is a skill for Professors,meaning a High Wizard or a Ninja would require to get a Valkyrie card and MEELE another class,lets take for example,a SinX. From what you just said,you just bother aslong as you can survive longer,but you don't really care about others. This,to my eyes,benefits PROFESSORS. I can't see my High Wizard nor anyother player that has a ''passion'' for that class benefiting with this,and then if we ask for another buff they'll say we've got benefited enough and that we're nothing but cry babies. I know how this works arround here,I've been here for some time now,and sincerely,this won't bring us anywhere. No harm intended,I mean.. I'D LOVE MAGIC CLASSES TO GET A BUFF,but a buff that benefits to everyone,not just to your eyes. I've learnt that from ranting to much before on the GTB thread (; Then again,only professors get benefited. I mean,not all of us are Professor addicted. I enjoy High Wizards ye know? (;
  5. geldaz

    e-ego+ 2

    Ya right. Thanks to me borrowing you guys gears (; E-ego+5 for me.
  6. Word. Dispell is like anyother spell. Therefor changing GTB to allow dispell go through it is pointless and senseless. Either nerf GTB for once and for all,or don't do minor things that won't even help in a battle. Wizards can't dispell. This is pointless imo
  7. Quoting only what you want? The 2nd quote,it's actually ''Still can't hit them'' with MAGICAL ATTACKS,not melee. 3rd quote I said it WON'T WORK FOR A WIZARD TO MEELE. I never stated they can't melee at all. And for the record,I was mostly talking about Wizards until you tried to change my phrases when quoting.
  8. I've seen his videos before. I like his sound. It actually has a rythm and sense,not just shredding till your finger falls.
  9. I don't think I did. I never stated that Wizards And sages CAN'T MEELE AT ALL. I said that they weren't made for it. It's completely diffrent. How is a 100k hp class going to meele a 32k dmg SinX? Oh yeah. Well,appart from being PD/Dodge build,which is just an option people have made to survive longer since a card kills their class. I hope you have readen it well now >_>. Magic classes WEREN'T MADE TO MEELE. (( Doesn't mean they can't )). They were meant to BURST OUT ALOT OF DAMAGE QUICKLY (( Therefor the low hp and skills that allows them to make their own battleground ))
  10. This is not the brag thread my friend. And I don't care if you meele dps. Magical classes weren't mean to meele,get that straight. If FCP didn't exist,this server would be the shittiest. To start with ,Strip Shield + Coma. Armour/weapon break. Strip. That sounds pretty fucking unbalanced. And I don't give a shit about your other characters. Magical class needs to be buffed up. MAGICAL CLASS was meant to QUICK BURST ALOT OF DAMAGE,not to meele. That's not my opinion. That's a fucking FACT.
  11. I honestly don't get how dispell passing GTB would help. You can't still hit them. You can just be a LITTLE more usefull during fights and support your friend.
  12. As much as I want Magic classes back,this won't result. To start with,anyone can Dispell. What would be the point of fcping then? People wouldn't even default damage weapons anymore. They'd just go for WS,coma. Wizards can't dispell unless card. Want wizards to meele? Meh,this won't surely work. Way to sleepy to come with a better post explaining it atm.
  13. They're organized? O_O. LOL
  14. Looks like it 8:
  15. How about 1 donation equipment? No coma,no outside buffs((appart from FCP)). (: Ofc,doing it on my sniper.
  16. He never said that. >_>. Dispell going through GTB doesn't mean taking FCP off. DUH.
  17. THis is suggested various times on the GTB thread,and ignored as USUAL. Meh,what can we do.
  18. I've got one..wait ,two words for you. Favoritism / Abuse.
  19. geldaz

    Code Geass

    The final episode was awesome! (: And hell yeah,Lelouch didn't die. Fuck the false rumours.
  20. I'm not much into music and who's famous/talented,but Guthrie isn't that good. All I see is shredding,he plays with his fingers,not with his soul. Sucks to my ears IMO.
  21. I think the colours are fine as they are. Make your character suit the NYH,not the NYH suit the character. It's a new years hat remember? Supposed to have happy colours. What would be the point in making a NEW YEARS hat black or green? >_>.
  22. They should atleast tell me then? They don't even bother saying ''Moved to blabla''. Instead of removing my ubber pictures,which could happen that to be MY CAT,delete the spams,like your posts that only say ''PM me plz diz is only for ju pics''. You post pictures of cosplay. Can't tell if it's you,just as you can't tell these pictures aren't mine.
  23. Why the fuck my picture got deleted? I edited it so it belonged to me. This shittie abuse is getting on my nerves. Delete the spams that aren't pictures instead PICTURES themselves. For fuck sake.
  24. More versatile? Spamming 1 single fucking skill is versatile? Wizards weren't made to spam Stave Crasher. But seems like people are mentally ill to understend.
  25. You don't need a well built HW to kill someone without a GTB. That's simple and basic. Anyone who picks on a High Wizard focus for GTB. Why would they have it off? You do know that High Wizards were meant to have no HP,but be able to BURST OUTTT damage quickly right? Well,GTB just kills them. You guys shoulld start putting it into your head for once and for all. Play a High Wizard on iRO and you'll see how fucking awesome it is to build your own battlefield and rape,without having Homo 10% chance cards flowing the server and killing your class.
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