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Forsaken Nobel
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geldaz last won the day on September 11 2013

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About geldaz

  • Birthday 07/22/1994

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    Squal Leon

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  1. Don't mind this. I was playing without the patch and my skills were rendered useless ,started it again through launcher and it's all fine
  2. Yes there are , http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=areainfo&area=5999 ,there you go .
  3. How do I post a picture without it being too big? xD
  4. How can you discuss a class when you've never played with or against at an higher level of competitiveness ? Please restrain yourself to warping in for_fild instead of spreading your gibberish here .
  5. Is anyone looking into this ? Enough discussion on why this change should happen has been done ,would gladly like to hear something from the GM's because Ninja as it is is just a trolling class with no necessity to integrate skill on its gameplay ,all you need to do is keep your cycle of bunker'ish shit up and spam kunai between .
  6. You didn't get my point. Unless you fight alongside a different distance type class you still won't be able to hit a ninja therefor your suggestion won't solve anything .
  7. So you have to gang them? nah.
  8. +1 ,everything has been said
  9. Andy C - Dirty Little Slut
  10. no fun in that qq. Someone tell me,I tried and it was like 4x biscuit's one -.-
  11. hey i think u hav me bby

    Read more  
  12. I'm sorry but I FUCKING ROFL'ED /heh no seriously,just :suicide_anim:
  13. geldaz


    I agree and I don't. If the problem is ''Now priests,professors,wizards don't stand a chance,no coma'' then it's dumb,anyone who's fighting these classes does default GTB UNLESS being ganged. They had coma and they couldn't do shit,sorry but a professor or a high-wizard are spell-dependable not coma (and I'm not going to start another GTB discussion,it's pointless after the big one last year I think) . Anyways,Coma at the rate it is is over-nerfing,I had a priest attacking me for 20 minutes and I didn't get coma'ed a single time with Book of Death (or whatever you call it) Yeah,raise it a LITTLE,but not to much. Sinx can do 33 hits in no more than 3 seconds with 2 weapons. And you might just say ''well,if they use 2 edges use a gtb'' but 1 edge and 1 damaging weapon (inca or whatever you guys use) is enough to do 16k's + and coma'ing. GTB that and die. Anyways,just my opinion.
  14. I tried to post a picture but It appears TO BIG,how do i fix that?
  15. using GTB is nab.
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