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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by  Ita

  1. No I haven't, Sowwieh :[. Ily tho remember dat ;3

  2.  Ita

    Aloha =D

    Cause I might go to Hawaii ;3
  3. 1101 ;3
  4. Haruka the SOTW thing you put is sooooo cuteeee ♥ <333 Panda's ftw ;3.

  5. I vote for Haruka. Creativity: 4 Technical: 4 Execution: 5 Aesthetic: 5 Total Points: 18 My vote goes to Haruka because the signature looks really cute and I like the way the baby panda's are on top with their mom; it shows in a cute way how the babies need their mom, and how the mom loves them. I also really like the way the sparkles and the writing on the left looks. (:
  6. 1094. ;3
  7.  Ita

    Hi! *wanders In*

    Haiiiii (: PM me in-gameee. :D
  8. 1085 ;o
  9. Good morninggg :D -Stalks- and I'm fine wbu! <3

  10. 1078.
  11. 1069? D: n Ikr they so mean to me :[ </3
  12. 1063
  13. 1060. n fine Decode I see how it is :[
  14. 1057 ~
  15. 1055. D: I wanna do 10k. ;-;
  16. 1050 ♥
  17. Dat's like waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much to read D:
  18. 1048. and lesh go for 10k D: What's the point of 2k :< GIMME A CHALLENGE ~
  19. 1045
  20. 1043. and Nuuuuu D: I wanna do 10k... ;D
  21.  Ita


    Kiel for 35? ;O?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05I0cZoYKrI&feature=related
  23. 1040 ♥
  24. Lalalalalalalalala ~

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