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Forsaken Elite
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About Amiti

  • Birthday 03/21/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Evergreen State

Amiti's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. See, I'm sorry. The last time I played RO, I played in a server where some equipment could have two cards. ): I need to update myself with this server.
  2. A High Priest who uses Holy Light is not a Combat Priest but a Holy Light Priest, lol. If you're really trying to dish out crazy damage, I say go for the 300 INT (and wear a good enough staff that will increase your MATK) but I hate maxing out stats. You at least want to get your DEX to 150 (with the help of your equipment and if you want, Blessing.) Get good enough VIT because if somebody uses a Double Maya shield on you, you're screwed. Also, get a High Priest Soul Link so you can do more damage. I can't recommend any good equipment because I haven't played in so long so I'm sure the cards I used are outdated.
  3. La Roux - In For The Kill
  4. Amiti

    Plz Help Me :(

    Yeah, either raise your STR or get on an Alchemist and bulk up your carrying capacity. Good luck.
  5. Amiti

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome. I noticed we share the same name, awesome.
  6. Amiti


    Thanks again guys.
  7. Amiti

    Hi Im Net

    Welcome! I haven't played in so long I forgot how to open my inventory. ):
  8. Amiti


    Welcome. :D
  9. Amiti


    My IGN was Amiti but I forgot my log in information. I made a new account under the name, Pauropoda. Just gotta level. And thanks again for the welcome back/birthday.
  10. Happy birthday Jason

  11. Amiti


    Hi there. I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual.
  12. Amiti


    It's been nearly 3 years since I last logged in. I still see some familiar faces - how's everyone doing?
  13. Happy 21st. :)

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