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Meka Meka

Forsaken Council
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Meka Meka last won the day on July 29 2012

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  1. Griefing goes both ways. Although I don't think we have a problem here, I think the limit is in place to ensure some amount of safety for newbies to level their characters. I'd say just uncap it on for_fild01.
  2. Anyone remember Ragnarok Wisdom?

    1. thePast


      What's that? o-o

    2. Nelly


      ahmm ..ugly drawing of ro komic ..if im not wrong :s

  3. Really, there is no valid reason for non-sinX to use EDP in the PVP room except for people who are OCD about their activity tokens. So disable EDP for all classes except sinx, and implement an exit NPC for AFKers. When you ladder you should expect to be PK'd. - Correct. Shouldn't be any need for text activation.
  4. Nice generalization there. Then let's just make Sniper Soaring Bird 2handed again while we're at it. Easy fix, right? Anyways, I've stated my position in tangible numbers, not really much more to say.
  5. Desperado is not difficult to avoid. It's high DPS, but still tankable. Gunslinger wouldn't even be playable without a shield. How could they compete? That's why they were given Valis so they weren't just a novelty class. Just want to reiterate we're talking about +65 (EWL5) or +130 (EWL10) weight in SEEDS. That's it. No other boost.
  6. +1. Pally halberd should have the usefulness of a valkyrie weapon, not a nerfed Odin's. 10%-20% sounds like a good place to increase GC damage, but I don't know what's optimal.
  7. Some more Traphik :D And this
  8. +1. I think it's a fair change, and hopefully will get more people maining WS and creator :)
  9. I like your reasoning killee but I don't think we're getting rid of EWL10 on Sniper, Stalker, Prof, Wiz, Gypsy/Clown etc anytime soon.
  10. GS's DPS isn't that incomparable to Sniper. A sniper that knows what they're doing can easily keep a GS at bay long enough to deplete the GS's seeds. Arrow shower, FAS rinse and repeat. In a ranged slugfest, the GS is going to use up their own seeds before the sniper does. There best hope in that situation is try to sneak up and use Desperado, and the sniper still has higher HP to tank with and more seeds.
  11. Enlarge Weight Limit 10 will allow a Gunslinger to carry 130 additional seeds. (EWL10 gives +2000 weight) Since they don't get the same Tao Gunka bonus like other classes, they're still just as vulnerable to burst damage as they would normally be. I think this change isn't asking for a lot. If implemented, it would only serve to give GS a slightly better chance in events that aren't just WoE (ie PvP, GvG, BR, LMS, LTS). ~200 seeds and low HP essentially relegates the gunslinger to a tool instead of a competitive class to main. Even with the additional seeds, I don't think gunslingers are going to be able to suddenly dominate, only be a little more useful.
  12. Oh right ...sorry forgot lol. I'm not sure either. (I'd still be for it or an alternative if possible) What I do know, is that it's ~200 seeds without carrying bottles, or barely any other items such as verters for gunslingers, and with the new belts (and full gear).
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