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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. Seraphine

    Kitty Claws

    40-50% reduction don't you think that's rather much? If you'r going a full SonicBlow build your main thought is not about surviving it's about killing as many people as you can as fast as you can.The idea or at least in my opnion about kitty claws are that their meant to surprise your oponent expecting you to just be a basic sinx build(1 or dual daggers) and that's where the kitty claws come in great use.
  2. Seraphine

    Profs And Gtb

    Your opinions are appreciated but try to stay on the matter of Disabling gtb from proffs not a general nerf of gtb to all classes that is something completly different.
  3. Basiclly everything nines and mike said, GM's cannot watch 24/7 and even so it's pretty hard to watch all woe maps at once. - Declined -
  4. It was disabled outside because people can cheat quite easily and if someone were to be getting killed outside even if they do warp outside you can just warp onto the portal and ignore them so there is no reason to enable ladder kills to count outside of the castle or inside.
  5. Seraphine

    Profs And Gtb

    Try to stay on topic of disabling gtb from proffs and not of nerfing gtb in general as Kittie stated.
  6. Seraphine

    Profs And Gtb

    If gtb was to be taken out proffs in general would dominate almost every class, even just making it 50% they would still rape although i can't really speak for everyone on the matter.
  7. Making a minimum requirement to enter GvG is unfair, i see no reason if you can tank 20+ people with 10 or less players than you deserve to win.
  8. Goodjob, i love it.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP3FarhXnZ0
  10. Modern Warefare 2 is still a fun game if you play with your friends and you can get passed all the noobtubes and everything that reduces the gameplay quality/fun.
  11. Seraphine

    Profs And Gtb

    Yes that works but not in every situation like a 2 vs 1(Proff+Clown vs Proff) proff can magnetic earth while the clown is spamming tarot and or av until fcp runs out then the proff can divest your shield and your screwed.However you will rarely run into a situation like that, im just trying to think of every possible way this could effect proffs.
  12. Seraphine

    Profs And Gtb

    You'r correct nines but what if a proff was to go up against a priest or something and they were fcped+gtbing and they were attempting to coma you it's basiclly he coma's you at least until fcp runs out then you might be able to divest him but comaing someone in 10 minutes isn't really hard. You have to look at it in a different perspective. Anyone else wanting to comment on the matter please share you'r opinions i'd like to know what you think about gtb on proffs.
  13. I think adding woe tokens and more woe drops/prizes would increase activity during woe,also buffing the guardians is a great idea.
  14. I agree too that soul linkers need an hp buff, right now i'd say there one of the most under used classes along with Gunslingers, taekwons, ninja's, and creators also an hp boost would promote more use of the class .
  15. I talked to gen about this he said he would add it. - Accepted -
  16. Wow great job! I love it everyone else has really great work too, it's gonna be tough i think this week x_x
  17. Don't see why not. - Accepted -
  18. Seraphine


    Looks interesting might have to try when i get time.
  19. Haha, that's hilarious.
  20. 1.Snipers are quite killable and their hp isn't op at the moment so disagree. 2.Why should gtb only partially reduce magic for snipers? that's too unfair for snipers. Keep in mind snipers are NOT tanks like stalkers. 3.If you reduced what usakoring card and thara frog card reduce damage to only 15-20% with the tao reduced hp you know how killable snipers will be? a normal asura could probably kill them if they didn't add a ton of vit. 4.And now your going to reduce their damage too? these suggestions are rather ridiculous when you look at them as a whole of what it would do to snipers. 5.I disagree here too because if you did this alot of classes wouldn't be able to carry alot of seeds or berryies which some still lack now but that's besides the point. Most of these suggestions would kill snipers no need to do that when their quite easily killed already unless facing a good sniper which is where i think you'r coming from, you face a good or amazing sniper who can play the class well and you crtique the sniper class based on that fact only.
  21. This was already accepted before so im going to close this.
  22. First off this should be in the event suggestions, Secondly im still half and half on the idea.
  23. Seraphine


    I completly disagree with this 1 castle imagine how many players would be in the castle at one time and the amount of lag would be tremendous, just 2-3 guilds in a castle at one time is bad but now every guild will come and attack one castle the lag would kill most players. Also Sanctuary is now fixed guilds will be able to hold castles longer alot longer.
  24. Hand Cannon Pew pew bang bang Lol.
  25. I think everything is fine the way it is no need for unnecessary changes but i could be wrong.
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