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Forsaken Council
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About Determination

  • Birthday 10/01/2010

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Determination's Achievements


Guardian (5/10)



  1. hello :) ty for visiting

  2. It's time for me to go! I don't like opening up, so I'll make it short and nice. For the GM team: Thanks to my superiors and team mates who helped me out on my stay as a GM for listening to my questions and giving me a bit of your time to answer. I have learned a lot! You're all really awesome and keep up the good work. I'll try to stay in touch with you guys. Also, thanks for the great times we've spent together, I'm leaving with a lot of good memories! For the players: I hope I've done my job well, thanks to everyone who appreciated my dedication, and I'm sorry if I haven't solved all your problems! Thanks to you guys too, I've had a great time doing events and chilling with all of you! It's a bit hard to leave after almost a year of GMing, but I've made up my mind, I'll miss you all! Like I said before, until next time. Determination
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  3. Until next time guys, thanks for everything =)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Lyris


      It caught me by surprise since I just saw this but. wow. >____.

    3. Mr. Masochist
    4. rasko
  4. Looks good! Nice work :]
  5. Got it
  6. Okay :3
  7. I like it, seems like a good idea. Thanks Veracity for the compliments I think the whole GM Team is doing a wonderful job :P
  8. Got it!
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