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About Bedron

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Novice (1/10)



  1. There's no such thing as "Damage to Demi-Human is capped at 100%". It's just the calculation is a little complicated. For every damage to demi-human card you put. The cards gives -5% instead of the original stat it gives. Example: On shoes: FBH Card Gives 50% to demi-human, if you put another FBH Card, the second card gives only 45%. On weapons: StalkerSB gives 30% demi-human, if you put a goldering card it'll just give 20% since -5% is already applied because of the bow itself already gives more damage to demi-human. if you put another goldenring it'll only gives 15% so it's better to use Tgen and civil servants/skel workers. And Yes, Goldenrings do stack with 2 FBH. proven and tested :) Stacking calculation is only applied on each equipment not overall
  2. Bedron

    Hi \

    Hi I'm new here gimmestarterstuffs pweazz kthxbai oh btw my IGN is Bedron seeyaround *ZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM*
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