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Everything posted by FTWomgwtfhax

  1. I vote for xonchu coz it has these futuristic unique effect, and the way he edited the original pic is nice too, its unique and cool
  2. Selling : Clown Set Atros Card Dracula Card Buying : Kiels Deviling Cards Tao Gunka Please Do Leave Your Price/IGN here thanks Please No Overpricing
  3. I vote for [4] xonchu coz i like how he placed the bus underwater and I always wanted school to be held underwater. The effects of the sig was great too ...
  4. I'll go for number 6, the effects are simple but nice, and direct. Direct because I think what tianX is trying to say out that animals nowadays are becoming extinct maybe the polar bears or others.
  5. spam ygg? lulz!
  6. Well I was just acting as a judge if someone would post a picture and see what others might post in their own point of view. But honestly speaking the sig I posted was 100% made by me.
  7. I dont play there. My friend does. He lent me his forum account(Since I love to lurk in forums a lot ). And as you can see I was just asking for opinion the prizes were bluffs ( of course since I don't have those items there). And if you scroll down no one even posted a single pic :O So I decided to make my own sig using adobe photoshop cs3 =.= PS. it is true he is one of the best :O
  8. So heres my entry hope this time it wont be rejected :) MEOW!! :biggrin: Source : Click here please :o Sorry for double posting but I forgot to put my IGN and it seems that the link of my source is broken IGN: Chevalier de Boxeur Source: http://i51.tinypic.com/10g0e95.jpg
  9. Ok i'll submit something new :))
  10. A theme about music please :))
  11. Well its fun here :D Hope I meet someone who can give me starting items lulz :DD
  12. Woah! :D thanks for the warm welcome GM :biggrin:
  13. Ohh thanks for that..Changed it already :) EDIT : LOL Still is broken ;o
  14. Yeah thats what they call me in irl.. Well in my last server i was called corvo/crow :blink:
  15. Who am I? :blink:
  16. Okay Lemme Redo :D Deleted!
  17. Woah Nice guide.. I wanna be a prof ! :D
  18. FTWomgwtfhax

    Branch Arena

    lol..you could just find your secret map to summon those mvps.. :D but a branch room would be fine too
  19. Hmmmm... heres my list 1. Naruto 2. Bleach 3. Eyeshield 21 :D
  20. Hi Im Corvo(nickname) Still new here though..anyone interested in giving me items ! :D Lulz...
  21. Hi Ami!
  22. Hi Kristian ! :D
  23. Hi Pamela..Can I be your friend? :O lulz xD
  24. Hi there dominic LOL! XD
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