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About Yume

  • Birthday 06/01/1991

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Yume's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Happy B'day~ :3

  2. I'm having a blowout sale :p check out if you need anything. Selling: +0 Golden Valkyrie Helm White Mythical Aura Deviling Ruck Angeling Ruck Santa Poring Hat Forsaken King Set. [no shield] :[ Forsaken Champ Mace x2 Forsaken Champ Knuckles Forsaken Priest Book Forsaken 1h Paladin Spear Forsaken Katar Forsaken Agility Belt x2 Forsaken Dexterity Belt x2 Forsaken Vitality Belt Turtle General Card x6 Incantation Samurai Card x3 Phreeoni Card x2 Whitesmith Card Hollowring Card x2 Fallen Bishop Hibram Card Lady Tannee Card Stormy Knight Card x2 Kiel-D01 Card x3 Forsaken Soldier Card Tao Gunka x2 So as you can see, I'm really trying to sell a lot. Since I need donation coupons, I don't think I'll be willing to trade so please, if you're looking for trades I will be tough on those. Leave your offers here or feel free to PM me, I'll be looking forward to doing business with you . Thanks. *Edit: I'll be willing to trade most of these for any color Emperium Aura, so choose everything you would want to equal an Emp's price. For any offers , if you might be able to catch me ingame. PM Hello Kitty .
  3. Selling a Sniper Soaring Bird, or trading it for whatever, preferably a Dorcus + ? Leave offer here or message me. Thanks
  4. Yume


    Reply here with offer and ign. I still have a few things to sell before I can buy straight up with coupons but if you're willing to trade then great. Just reply here, thanks.
  5. Selling an LK Halberd for 1.4k or best offer. Selling Sniper Soaring Bird for 1.2k or best offer. I prefer to trade both for an SGW + whatever you have to offer to equal the remaining amount. I will also consider trading both weapons+stuff for a blue emp, a RAW, or Colored SGW . Just pm me here or leave a reply. Thank you
  6. Yume

    Hello. :)

    Hello, I'm new too :o maybe we'll see each other around in-game. :D
  7. Yume

    Hello :o

    Thanks :] The server seems fun so far, I can't wait to meet everyone, it's the main reason I play; to make lots of friends. For now I'll be training in-game :o
  8. Yume

    Hello :o

    Hi everyone, you can call me Yume or Koizora, as I was known in other servers. I'm a little experienced at RO but I'm totally new to this server so I'd like to know more about it. My ingame character is also named Koizora, pm me ingame if you wanna chat, I love making new friends :] Thanks guys :D
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