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Everything posted by Shimmy

  1. Shimmy

    Woe 2.0

    i suggest 1 castle to start then if its good then add another and drops i think just the same drops
  2. Well. Ask your Guild leader to take screens and shit. And remember some Leaders do horde but other have emps and stuff saved up. I can think of a few Past leaders and Present leaders that have had emps before they started the guild. And keeping an Emp that dropped just to hold it is a good way to see who is really loyal. Loyal players do it for fun not for an emp or castle drop in general
  3. Shimmy

    Woe 2.0

    only concern is I dont think we have enough plays to make it super fun. I checked how woe 2.0 works and in all the videos i see like guilds with over 60 players on and now hardly any guild has over 60 active castle is to big. But over all i like it.
  4. Shimmy

    New Weapons

    so you will remove them? from annihilation
  5. Shimmy

    New Weapons

    Ohh i was sitting next to gm memory when u said it so i thought it would be funny to post. I dont really care but it shouldnt be used in Anhilation :] nd pvp i could care less nd pvp is mostly used for cheaters but in annihilation take off please.
  6. Shimmy

    New Weapons

    this isnt a rant at how powerful they are. The weapons are allowed in Nd and Annihilation If its aquired by donation then it shouldn't be allowed in Nd or anything Please fix.
  7. Shimmy

    Pvp Changes.

    the pvp map is good but the killing frenzy i think your trying to make this into Halo or something lol
  8. Shimmy

    S>blue Emp

    Or trade to Emp + sgw PM Secret Agent
  9. Kinda agree with Som its no way to answer the forum. But Elite Weapons < Rental < Donation thats how it is i guess only way is to rent the weapons
  10. Shimmy

    B>fsoldier Card!

    80 pm Jokko
  11. Sage mode. Cause i have the Helm lol
  12. yeah cause im thinking i may be new but just fucking up the donations by putting an npc isnt cool. they need money to pay for them. So i say give it a few weeks maybe not a month depending on how much profit is made from donations and then Put the NPC sell them but give peopel a reason to donate if they can. Make a good deal for people like i said 1 for 30 2 for 55 3 for 80 and like 4 for 100 stuff liek that it worked great with Zodiacs for the deals so why not try it with weapons
  13. i get everyones point if you donate and sell you make so much profit. Id say maybe after idk 1 month? after 1 month make the items buy able thru the ncp and then the server will still make profit but give the donations a better deal like 1 for 30 2 for 55 3 for 80? catch my drift
  14. Selling: White RoP 250 Winged Poporing Rucky / Trade to ? Leave offers
  15. Agree and if the weapons they released last forever Add a king room npc for the new items. it says that the server is balanced and that anyone can access the items without donating so why not throw in an npc for new items
  16. Clicked the Donation link and doesnt show up with the weaposn on list.
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