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Forsaken Elite
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About Renegade

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Knight (3/10)



  1. Moved to the correct section. I do not believe this belongs in 'Support.'
  2. Question answered; topic closed.
  3. Closed. Good luck with the quest.
  4. Solved; closed.
  5. Renegade

    Top 3

    Please stay on topic.
  6. Essentially, yes. However it is against the rules. You will be banned if you do it.
  7. Enough with the flaming. Do not post unless you are commenting on the original poster's work.
  8. Renegade

    Woe 2.0

    This would be quite fun. +1.
  9. Renegade

    Top 3

    This is not the place to be insulting other players. Flame posts were removed.
  10. Closed. Do not repost suggestions that were rejected one day ago.
  11. Just because someone already posted in a topic that is over 3 months old does not mean you can too. Reviving old topics is not allowed, period. You should always check the date before you post in topics. I have no control over whether or not suggestions are accepted, only Gamemasters do. Thank you for your understanding. If you or anyone else has an issue, you can message me about it privately. This topic is not the place for it.
  12. Stop posting in old suggestions. I already warned kax for this. Next person to do it is getting warned.
  13. It is one thing to express your opinion but to call what someone else thinks 'dumb' or 'stupid' is disrespectful and will not be tolerated. Take it down a notch guys. This is a verbal warning.
  14. Genesis said two weeks so I would assume August 21, 2010.
  15. Agree 100% with this. That is something I have never liked about high rates. Almost all of them slap on buffed up stats and more damage against demihumans blindly and call it class balance. In the process they destroy the original purpose of each class. The more different things are the better. Most people who complain about this just expect to be able to kill any class easily on their Champion/Assassin Cross/etc. I cannot agree that Stalkers should have a significant damage boost while detracting from their survivability.
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