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Forsaken Elite
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About Enlightment

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  • Gender
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    Heaven (:

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  • Guild
    ForsakenRO GM Team

Enlightment's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Noted boss :)
  2. The informations is correct. <~ Put White RAW please (: ~< Also put Gold emp please (:
  3. I'm sleeping with my eyes wide shut~

  4. Good bye Ryuk, wish you the best~

    1. Ryuk


      Thanks mate :3, I'll be around.

    2. Enlightment
  5. I used to break with Inca card in the old days (:
  6. Some things are better to left unknown...

  7. Sorry if I haven't comment back anything since I've been really busy lately (: but Inbox me if you have any trouble or questions :D

  8. Regret comes when it's too late, it' hurts badly :(

    1. Adum*


      "like" cause its be so damn true and it be wut happening to me. D:

    2. Justice


      Don't I know that one, pal.. don't I know it.

    3. Enlightment


      (: thanks for the sympathy *sniff sniff*

  9. Need help with anything? Leave comments here (: I will try my best helping you.

  10. The higher you expect the harder you fall.

  11. GM Please read my ticket, i already post.

  12. Goodluck everyone that doing the quest!

  13. Loving the new updates (:

  14. Oh, why thank you ♥

  15. cutest GM i ever known (:

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