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Everything posted by Soulworld

  1. no exactly a time line since for Gravity they are already on-going in the renewal system, the problem is on eathena/aegis developers who usually take a lot longer to crack the optimal configuration for the skills, eathena is supposed to have a release date for Sura (at last) on The first week of September.
  2. About the Topic um its kind of a report on my test lol, I run My own server with similar specs to Fro and Third classes used to be available in its majority... the result: Mayhem.... no matter where you search, even mvps turn to plushies... and hammering the skills doesn't seem to help much, the code on itself its very messy on third skills, not to mention that once the skills are Out everyone will cry and jump out of the first building they find If you try and Nerf them. In short, FRO should avoid placing third skills anywhere soon, but upgrading to Encounter with the unknown shouldn't hurt.... For now I will keep trying to create balance but it doesn't seem possible :( Anyone any suggestions to balance third classes?
  3. Literally ALL manga is Japanese not Chinese...
  4. I don't have the time or resources to play FF anymore =S.
  5. Alright it seems like everyone likes the idea =), now we need to know if GM's can actually do it and I guess we can call it done... later on :P
  6. mmm I kinda just meant like... disguise the Valkyrie helm xD, in fact if we are to disguise any headgear as another then it may come to be a problem (even though I must say I like the idea ^^), but the ideal would be to only be able to disguise the valkyrie helm as any other headgear you may want (most of the fashion-only equipment are top thus no harm). I believe its pretty fair if its only the Forsaken helm right? =)
  7. Hello again people, do you use middle-top headgears by any chance? :( I guess no one does, well even if its for fashion they actually reduce the possible mixes you can do, not to mention most of them are completely useless when it comes to fighting, they are just there for the fashion and well the problem is that even as fashion you pay being unable to use other headgears as mix-up. Probably if there was a possibility to make possible for the Valkyrie to be disguised this whole problem would be fixed.... however I think everyone knows its not that easy. Suggestion: 1-Make upper-mid headgears Upper or mid Only. 2- Make it posible to disguise the valkyrie helm as any headgear? (or a particular set of possible disguises) ----------- Its either of those not both... well both would be so cool too :wink: Namaste~
  8. thanks everyone =D, mmm by the way right now I kind of have a problem... I can log into the character selection screen but it wont get past that for some reason :sad:
  9. Soulworld

    Namaste :d!

    Hello people, Im actually an old player but I want to start just as any newbie, hope I get the rhythm of the game again :P Namaste~ :laugh:
  10. Just a comment :P, new players seem to have a hard way because of this and even though competition its alright it seems like the ones in the very top are always looking for ways to make it harder for newbies... Namaste :wink:
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