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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Barbie

  1. hey guysss! long time no see. thank you so much to everyone who likes the recolors! makes me really happy you guys appreciate my hard work!! it encourages me to make even more stuff for you guys :] if you ever have any recolors you want made or items etc drop me a pm or add me to msn!
  2. Barbie

    This Is Just Sad

    thats kind of a weak argument. thats like saying you cant defend her actions so you fall back on that. there is overwhelming proof shes copying. also, adding stars and hearts and little colors to something doesnt make it original, she still had the same words and just reorganized it lol. and i wasn't talking about the other server, i was talking about this girl's sad attempts to rip ideas from fRO and our designs. and the funniest thing is she tries to call herself a graphic designer? if anything, i feel bad for her that she cant even come up with anything for herself.
  3. Barbie

    This Is Just Sad

    they are nothing like ours. should i post screenshots comparing? she even has *logo of server* presents... with the same style of previews i do (only hers are nowhere near as good). and has the exact same format for the posts, right down to the "credits" and "fixes" images. :]
  4. Barbie

    This Is Just Sad

    yeah, she cant deny she did because there is proof she stole it. its ridiculous that she cant even come up with her own words, that she is so unoriginal she needs to literally copy and paste the entire thing without editing a word? thats sad. not only that, but she also ripped our format for updates. we are the only server that does preview images like that {or at all, i'm pretty sure}. its just annoying when people don't even try to be original and steal/copy others ideas. im glad she doesnt try to deny it, but then again she really cant in the first place and what are you referring to by the soul ring? if you mean the spell ring/emperium aura, no one has "ripped" that. they were recolored by a former staff member and never claimed as an original creation and credit is given to people who we use sprites from. unlike 99% of other RO servers, we don't go stealing items from other ppl's grfs as far as i'm aware. about the website, is that the same person who designed the website for eRO? i thought tira/one of their staff made it herself, but i could be wrong.
  5. hi & welcome !! hope you like it here :]
  6. Barbie

    This Is Just Sad

    sorry didn't think it would be a problem since its a LR/MR and i doubt anyone from a high rate server would really leave to play there. its just so people could see how badly their website design was ripped off lol and ikr -R e i, its really bad ]: i totally agree with you
  7. that song is so good! love jessie j :] http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NJqUN9TClM
  8. Barbie

    This Is Just Sad

    oh yea, about their site... too bad they totally copied it from another server's , go see for yourself. they just changed minor things, but it is a total ripoff. its pretty sad that the admin calls herself a graphic designer but all she does is steal other ppl's ideas/designs/etc. and they still dont even look as good lolol
  9. 931 :]
  10. so someone pointed out how familiar this post sounded.... when i remember reading this the other day ...look familiar? she isnt even trying to hide the fact she just copy and pasted an announcement post from another server... i know other servers steal our items and card art and stuff but this is just a whole new level of sad. does anyone else find this as hilarious as i do? lol
  11. 906! :]
  12. thanksss!!! :]

  13. love this song sfm
  14. looks really good! :]
  15. such a lovely lady!! :]
  16. closed, voting will be posted tomorrow.
  17. happy hearts day !! :]

    1. Luxiana


      same to you ♥

    2. Veggie&Mac
    3. Poringly


      same 2 you ♥ , hope you get a good one. :3

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