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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by strawboy

  1. 801
  2. Kinect A hot 5 year old girl or a hot 55 year-old woman
  3. 1572
  4. BUMP SniperSB offer plox
  5. Dorcus 500
  6. Granted, but they accuse you of cheating and gets dropped. I wish for a portable xbox 360 :3
  7. BUMP
  8. True I just woke up The Person Below Me thinks I'm hot
  9. 1567
  10. granted, but you died I wish for a super cute puppy
  11. false The person below me wants to eat cake right now :3
  12. 794
  13. South.... If you know what I mean >:) Kiss or French Kiss
  14. I'm pretty sure 790 comes after 789 792
  15. Granted, but you don't :3 I wish for a thana
  16. True Toyota Avanza TPBM will give me Christmas presents :3
  17. BUMP
  18. Happy Halloween! Doing some quests :3

  19. BUMP
  20. Great Update :3
  21. False TPBM has lost his/her virginity
  22. PuppY! Jennifer Lopez or Angelina Jolie
  23. 1563
  24. 789 BOOYA!
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