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Everything posted by Bou

  1. Hey, uh its 1 am here so this is all I did Lol I'll try to do better next time D: Source: <3 IGN: Alice's Smile SK84LYF<3
  2. Aw I wish you cud be included >< even when you missed the deadline D: i rly like your siggy <3 Does it closes today? or... tonight? o-o I dummy sowwie :3
  3. 300x450 is actually really big for a siggy o_o look at mine, its 153x390px DD:! I think its a good size for a siggie O:
  4. It says we're allowed to use sprites o-o I used wanderer sprite but no character generator D:! Is that still ok? >< or mine is out? ;c
  5. Hi :3 I used a wanderer sprite o.o thats ok? D: kk well I like this class :3 so I made it that way :o recolouring it made my hand hurt D:< its related to the theme beacuse... of the wandere classr? Lol theres an wanderer sprite there also :3 IGN: Alice's Smile resource: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/361/f/d/RO___WandererChibi_Wallpaper_by_SlumberPoppy.jpg You can see it right? I had a LOT of problems trying to save it .PNG format xD Idk why but I just couldnt o_o... till I cud :3 ! haha Good luck to everyone o:
  6. His Love - Tegan Quin Gosh I love her so much <3
  7. Beautiful - Big Bang <3
  8. yay o: i posta pic too :3 my friend sent me this one on skating day, ahah :3 I hate whe he mess with the pics colours >_> this one with friend at pool :x I dun like my lazy ass eyes x3 ish like I look sleepy.. but Im not :c ! so cute tho my hair looks like crap lol im the girl on the right btw >:3 aaaaaand I FKIN LOVE MY IPOD :3 and fkin love dat song :D
  9. Over and over - Hot Chip ~
  10. I think its from an anime/manga or something o__o Woo Yi Kyung ft JiYoon <3 GOSH, I love this song :3 ya guys shud watch this video <3
  11. I my me mine - 4 Minute <3
  12. -flood- Flashback - DJ Calvin Harris <333
  13. Bou

    Christina Aguilera

    Same as this dude.. blahblahblahblahh BLÁ :3
  14. Love, love, love - As Tall As Lions <3333
  15. Finally... This voting system pisses me off o__o the old one was ..well wasn't better but mix em together maybe I dont know xDDD <3 Next SOTW pls :3 Id like to participate now :3 Sooo who won? :D
  16. Signature [ 2 ] Baby Bloo Creativity rating: 5 I think it's really creative puting just 1 element (as I see it), instead of both (dark & light) and the way he interpreted light I think its very well thought and really cute. The way he put the sunlight there I think its really well placed. Technical rating: 4 Seems like it took some time to make it, looks challenging but at the same time not that hard. how to say it ~ it looks comfortable to use -u- Execution rating: 5 I really liked it because of the shape it has and how the "light" part stands. I think he's idea was well reflected on what he did. Theme Fitness rating: 3 Even when it's only light, as I see there, its very well done and I think it fits perfectly the light theme part. Did I missed anything? o-o asdfg Good look to everyone <3
  17. Highlight // 4Minute <3
  18. Wow! Greaaaat! :D
  19. So whats the prize *u* !!!!!? Im already thinking about my 3rd and last one but ... asdf >< !
  20. I think she means that we can make 3 entries?.. like 3 SS? D: if thats so, then heres my 2nd one :DDD I kinda messed up D: I did it with another char and .. you will see I only had 1 Santa Bag D;!!! .... But .. It still counts or...? >< anyyyyway Costume: Santa Girl ! IGN: Alice Glass. :DD!?
  21. Here's my entry c: ! Costume: Scary Bride! >:D IGN: Breathe. in order to do that I had to gt married LOL ! it took me a few minutes to do that >< Good luck to everyone :3!
  22. OMG O_O I almost died D: ! its AWESOME :DDDDD
  23. Oh I love vampire knight <3 btw, cant see resource o: ~ ..
  24. :D ! K-on <3 ! - http://i48.tinypic.com/2ih72nl.jpg IGN: Alice's Lips I put the pic this time >> ! (?) Good luck everyone (:
  25. Gosh I didnt remember where i put the picture QQ anyways ~ My vote goes to [ 4 ] Deathina because the backroung looks pretty good with the picture and its funny xD and she drew it so its awesome AND I love boxing xD I also liked Poringly siggy but Idks <3 all of em are amazing o; !
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