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About Shugo

  • Birthday 09/30/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Golden State.

Previous Fields

  • Ingame Character Names
    Lavi Lulu

Shugo's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Shugo


    I gots 50 Bucks! now I just need to find a credit card +_+ So far its been fun (Barley a rogue) You'll start seeing me non stop after I get donates
  2. Hey. just a quick question. :< Where do you get your sprites? (For the classes/characte sprite.) because all the sims I use arent updated with that kind of hairstyle your using
  3. Shugo


    SUP BTW: I Will BE Going under the name Lambo Also you guys are lucky my friend convinced me to donate like 50 Bucks +_+ (Never donated to a server in my life)
  4. Shugo


    theres like 4 different ones. can you send me the one you use because none of them work okay it worked once then it stopped working ;_;
  5. Shugo


    Thanks haha. Took me like 10 minutes worth of internet searching Yeah more then 2 weeks hopefully I NEED HELP I try to log into my character and it says fail to connect to server. so basically im having problems with the map server.
  6. Roll To Me - Four Year Strong
  7. Shugo


    Thanks. Now if I can only get this Shit started +_+ I log in make a character but fail to connect to the map server
  8. Shugo


    Hello. Yes I used to play this server. I lasted like 2 weeks. But maybe I'll stay for longer (Is that a word? Lol) Not much to say. but Hello. Im only playing because a friend told me too. and iRO is boring as shit So yeah. /kis Can't wait to see everyone I never met (The whole server..)
  9. I let Ry hold on to them, I won't be on for some time.

  10. Let's hope someone does :x
  11. Dunno I liked this picture more then others I've seen :x I just want a signature D:
  12. Yeah theres nothing different it's just lavi :x Thanks for moving it :P
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