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  1. Supreme

    White Rabbit

    I believe the hp % increase is calculated before the numerical increase which is why it seems so low. As for the damage mod change, I wouldn't really mind myself, this small buff for sns shouldn't hurt.
  2. Supreme


    Nope, defeats the purpose of event exclusive items from npc and will take any value away that the event coupon had over donation coupons.
  3. Supreme

    Guild Names

    In most cases it's being reserved by someone, or was taken long ago by someone who doesn't play anymore. Moved to support, since this is a question not suggestion.
  4. I really agree with what Sensation said. He pretty much explained everything and plus, less load on the computer compared to just buying one.
  5. Ah, you are right, just tested it out myself. The low percentage of damage increase with pandaring just confused me a bit. (10% seems a bit obsolete?) Yeah by all means upgrade pandaring, 10% is very low.
  6. Hydra/TG/Goldenring/FBH's demihuman damage increase will not affect Stave Crasher at all. Only higher MATK or our custom Pandaring card(10% more damage w/ stave) will affect the total damage for stave.
  7. Added in 80-90% of the Item ID's. If anyone can help, post any missing here and we will edit it in.
  8. 1. I say no. RoPs are meant to be exclusive, only available for purchase during the small period that it was available for donation. The limited amount we have is what makes the economy for them. 2. No again.. this would pretty much ruin the economy of our belts, virtually making every belt cost the same. Unless of course this NPC charges a substantial amount.. (25?) but even then I would think that this is just a waste of time. 3. I don't think it should, but it did come with that huge official update which has caused a multitude of changes. But if anything, I do agree with having it changed to not penetrating it anymore.
  9. Supreme


    Our GTB currently provides immunity to the above.. what he is proposing is that those skills pierce GTB.
  10. Supreme

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    Lookin' good.
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