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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ethereal

  1. Ethereal

    Marriage Npc

    I don't think the NPC itself is broken- it just requires the male to wear a tuxedo. But unfortunately, the Tuxedo is an ETC item for some apparent reason so males can't wear it. So we have two options to fix marriage here: [ 01 ] Make Tuxedo an armor so that the marriage NPC detects it and allows the marriage. [ 02 ] Make the marriage NPC not detect the armors (Wedding Dress, Tuxedo) and only require you to wear the diamond rings.
  2. I'd make one with the headgears in fRO's GRF- but my graphic card exploded and I can't really play any games or go in-game at all. The best I can do is simply give the name of the file and a sprite preview. Then I'll probably update it once I get a new graphic card.
  3. [ SOTW #18 Voting ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Theme : Ragnarok Online - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Details : This is the voting thread for SOTW #18, Ragnarok Online. Vote for your favorite signature and hope they'll win! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Welcome to the voting thread of the eighteenth SOTW of the year! When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules. Don't know the rules? Click Here. Rules that the voter must understand: Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote. Voters must give at least 2 or more valid sentences to vote. Contestants may not vote for themselves in any way, shape or form. A judge's vote will count as 1 point. 2 non-judges' votes for a specific entry will be considered 1 point. Votes will be counted at the end of Sunday. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prizes 1st Place: 100 Event Coupons2nd Place: 50 Event Coupons3rd Place: 25 Event Coupons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Entries: [ 1 ] -R e i IGN : Cronus [ 2 ] Alley IGN : SilverWind [ 3 ] Kittie IGN : Georgina [ 4 ] Hannah IGN : Hannah' [ 5 ] zac IGN: Bumcy~ [ 6 ] Niromi IGN: Cupid Shuffle [ 7 ] Poringly IGN: S&H. [ 8 ] Deathina IGN: Terrisa Aiko [ 9 ] Bou IGN: Alice's Lips Good luck to everyone, and please vote fairly.
  4. Closed.
  5. Those wings are called Divine Wings- at least, according to the GRF that is. Try searching it up through @ii in-game. There's a lot of unreleased headgears in-game. I personally find it an interesting an idea to do, but trust me, it would take a long time.
  6. Keep up the entries! The topic closes tonight at 0:00:00 server time!
  7. This. Technically it exists as a file in the GRF, but not as an item sprite.
  8. Sure, go for it. As long as it's not from a signature generator.
  9. girl, i have a confession............. i want to see you on my bed. asap. i love you
  10. Alright, we can stop now. This is strictly about the SOTW. @ Kittie, you don't have to post your sprite. I should've been more specific and said post your resources if you're using a render. For sprites, it's alright; you don't have to.
  11. Now that I read over the topic, I kind of agree and disagree with the suggestion. I disagree with boosting up items like the sun/moon aura (although they could definitely use a sprite change). In a game, they don't just start off giving you the best equipment right away or have it easily obtained. In most cases, you have to work for the best gears. So I think that the moon/sun aura fall into a category where they are simply mediocre gear- and you have to work from there in order to get better ones. Although, I do agree with upgrading the old PvP wings that nobody wants now.
  12. ^ There is absolutely no need to spam. This is a warning.
  13. ^ Basically. I think that was the main reason why it was changed. ... I'm not sure why the Pink one hasn't been changed... </3 But that's totally off-topic.
  14. Yeah, the .ACT file for the Purple Valkyrie Helm is kind of... messed. Like the others said, it's visually noticeable. And I agree, I think that it should get a slightly different re-colour (for either the Imperial or the Valkyrie- it doesn't matter.)
  15. Well, if it doesn't exist in the GRF as an item sprite, then I'm not sure what we can do about it. So to be honest- I think this suggestion is kind of going nowhere.
  16. I did too. o_o
  17. Alright, no need to go crazy with the crazy +30 stats, +50% walking speed and what-not. The point is, the emp aura shouldn't be changed. It's already the highest all-around-stat-giver in the game.
  18. Ethereal

    Lhz Aura.

  19. ^ When you post two times within a short time span, your posts join together so that it doesn't show the "this post has been edited by......".
  20. Closed.
  21. Nobody has screenshots? I could try figuring it out if I saw any screenshots. :/
  22. Ethereal

    Hot Suggestion

    Alright, let's not get off topic and talk about ninjas. This topic is strictly related to professors and their books. The professor book gives STR+10, INT+20, HP+10% and increase damage on demi-humans by 15%. So basically- it's a melee book, and when going melee, you'd definitely need a good supply of yggdrasil berries/seeds.
  23. I'm guessing it's not an item like a LHZ Aurora then. I was looking through the items section of the GRF, but I suppose there's a possibility that it could be something else. P.S. whatever happened to the implementation of elite weapon sprites? I know for a fact that they were completed A LONG time ago.
  24. Closed.
  25. ^ I'm guessing because of WoE. Every night at 0:00:00 around 4 or more chests appear within the castle. The guild leader breaks the chests for prizes, but all of the chests drop 12 Yggdrasil Berry Tickets, 12 Yggdrasil Seed Tickets, and 12 EDP tickets. Since there's a lot of EDP tickets roaming around now, the price of it probably dropped.
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