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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. Omg Nines I love Top - Bottom! D: The characters worked with the backround *nods*
  2. 1354
  3. I dont remember if it does go on accessory i was so lazy to check ._. maybe i was thinking of sinx card then..... xD
  4. Well cards i can do, if thats okay with you ._. : Headgear: 2 kiels, forsaken soldier, maya p (I dont know if you have fhelm and what not.....) Weapon: Phree+ TG + TG + Incant Armor: Tao + gr, Tao+Tao(use for Final Strike) Shield: Usakoring, Maya, GTB Cloak: Ray+Ray, Skoll+Skoll ( this is my default, scared of thana users :( ), Smokie+ skoll/ray (For hiding xD) Shoes: 2 FBH Belts: Try getting 2x Str Belts Stats: Str- 27* + ?? (divisble by 10) Agi- 195 aspd Vit -Enough to survive asura...if thats possible O.O Int- I dont think u need int...if u want to be a Throwing build.... Dex- Instant Cast Luck- No luck >.> Im newbie but thats what i put on my ninja thrower xD (P.S. Tyr's Shuriken *Helps alot LOL*) I tried my best.....
  5. 1321! Beat THAT! D;<
  6. :( MISS YOU SIMON *sob* Havent been going on....school just started *sigh*

  7. :( School started don't have time to play *sob* I WANT TO PLAY THIS!

  8. Thanks Nelly :) U even said it on FB PSH xD

  9. Lol, Thanks JC xD
  10. Aww How Thoughtful :)!
  11. Amicable


    I couldn't agree more :) +1 No.....I dont wanna think about it ._.
  12. Loved this one xD! This one made me laugh and it was pretty good it did explain alot to me :) P.S. Loved the part where that ws and prof were killing everything xD Pretty Balanced <3
  13. Psh~ ._. Sempai! xD

  14. Bubble Pop! - Hyuna Btw, I'm starting to see who likes what genre of songs now :3 I just got to see more of what you guys pick xD
  15. I agree with Simon, and with Nines cards, I mean seriously as Simon was saying that gvging does get you more tokens compared to woeing, and gvg is shorter compared to woe. So yes +1 to this suggestion
  16. Amicable


    Lol +1 to this Haha Love you too Nines xP
  17. +1 I actually love all of it! I mean seriously.....2 weeks of Pvping, is pretty long so I mean adding this new suggestion might increase the popularity of Pvping. I mean....whenever I'm on, the only times I see a few people in the pvp room is after WOE or GVG but thats just a few, but after people get killed over and over they dont go in pvp room anymore. Nice Suggestion Nines xD
  18. Amicable


    Oh okay

  20. Azazel *1302* xD 1303! :*
  21. Amicable


    Ahem* I am a noob so you dont need to cross it out :) But yeah~ Thanks for +1 xP
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