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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. Granted, but you changed your mind and wished for a wish. ;) I wish I was fast at running.
  2. Barack Obama, sorry but Mitt Romney wanted to cut off funds for PBS, and I dont want my lil bro sad.... Cartoon Network or Disney.
  3. 426
  4. True. I bake them....heh. TPBM likes to bake.
  5. False. TPBM has tried a drug before. (Doesn't matter which, bad or good.) (i.e. Advil)
  6. Granted, but the tea had mold and so you got the stomach flu. I wish I was rich.
  7. Aww F***, UGH....Pie! Family or Friends >:)
  8. Tea Watching T.V. or Exercising
  9. Just made 2 new Forum Games in Off Topic, This Or That? & Corrupted Wish :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amicable


      Well its simple just make my wish corrupted, and then make your own wish :D

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      Let us tell GM wish about this game she would love to play :D

    4. Amicable


      ^ LOL, I know right ;)

  10. So, this is how the game works...... Example: 1st Person: I wish I had a puppy. Second Person: corrupts the 1st person's wish and wishes a new wish of their own. Corrupted the wish: Granted, but the puppy died the next day. So, the game continue, and people keep corrupting each others wishes! (: I wish I had less homework.
  11. Amicable

    This Or That?

    i'm pretty sure everyone knows how to play this game, buuuuut here's an example person one: puppies or kittens? person two: kittens. bananas or pineapples? person three: pineapples. pandas or sharks? So, Soda or Water?
  12. +1 I have to agree, this seems more fun and interesting compared to the event being held at for_fild01.
  13. False. :( (Unless you meant 'A' Cookie Monster Lover~ Then True.) TPBM watched Sesame Street, when they were little.
  14. 423
  15. 1237
  16. Nope. TPBM is in school. :P
  17. Lol, I was looking at Bishops grf. First glimpse, ANIMAL CRUELTY, but then I was like, cute....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      XD that game is fun I should play that game with my kitty's *^*

    3. Bishop


      gif :P not grf ! grf is our compiled data files Jay :P.but LoL nice status update ;O!

    4. Amicable


      Sorry :( cant tell the difference :P!

  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pWcL9NGLhM XFactor - Impossible Cover
  19. True. TPBM is a fan of Beyonce.
  20. 1235
  21. 421
  22. 1233
  23. 419
  24. Somewhat...True. TPBM is a fan of Usher.
  25. True. TPBM likes it when it rains.
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