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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. Granted, but it was defected and when you used it, you crashed into a building. I wish for a tennis racquet.
  2. School.....ugh =_=

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rayray


      i wish i am back at school..

    3. Bishop


      Work......ugh =_= . XD. I miss having schoolbreaks :(

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      I have no school cuz of storm and still power....for now :3

  3. False. TPBM has school tomorrow.
  4. Mechanical Pencil :) Notebook or Piece of Paper.
  5. Stealing apples from Ryuk. <3 Pencil or Pen
  6. False. TPBM likes to use the restroom. :P!
  7. Mints! Drinking Bleach or Drinking Sewer-Water.
  8. 1525
  9. 754
  10. Kind of....True. TPBM tried spinning around in a elevator before. (Its fun)
  11. 751
  12. 1523
  13. Granted, but it was a toy that shoots out "magic" dust. I wish I had a treadmill
  14. False. TPBM loves Proscrastinating. (refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority)
  15. Mom Beach or Casino
  16. Anime. Reading or Watching.
  17. False. EWWW PEANUT BUTTER....NTY. TPBM wants to eat oreos with milk.
  18. FALSE. (im looking at that "...are reading this topic" and I see her name! WHEN SHE GONNA POST!) TPBM is fantasia now....
  19. False. TPBM is Fantasia!
  20. OMG, I love that picture.....on your overview ;) Cute

  21. Granted, but when nobody was home, a robber stole it and sold it in the black market. :( Say bye-bye. I wish for a soft blanket :)!
  22. 744
  23. 1519
  24. Yes. :( TPBM wants to skype again.
  25. Granted, but your threw up the whole time from motion sickness that you told them to stop and went back home. I wish for a Xbox 360. ;)
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