1.You need 2-3 kiels to spam AoE skills or bolts :) OR get silver kiels (Cheaper) but its half the percentage rate of regular kiels, so 15%
2.Umm I don't really know how to answer to think question, but if you need some zenies, I'll be happy to give you some.
Anyways, good luck & and have fun on our server! :) Enjoy Your Stay!
Voting: http://forsaken-ro.net/cp/?module=account&action=login&return_url=%2Fcp%2F%3Fmodule%3Dvote
1.Can vote for a full forsaken set(Best set ever!) and other items that may depend on your taste of style/play.
Wiki: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages§ion=pages&id=3
1.Needed to help you on your journey, young padawan~