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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Damnascus

  1. They need borders and they're huge.
  2. fail facepalm
  3. Damnascus

    Dear Diary.

    Dear diary, I will leave you a link for other members to see, because they have not been informed. http://encyclopediadramatica.com/I_accidentally_X The end.
  4. Damnascus

    Working Out?

    I'm 19 now. It's too late to tell me, I figured this out when I became 16. And it wasn't heavy lifting, I was slowly developing muscles with calisthenics and dumbbells.
  5. OR NOT
  6. Damnascus

    Working Out?

    Just call me Mike or Damascus. The old "veteran" one. And when it comes to bodybuilding, I've been doing it since I was 14 (starting lifting stuff, 13 was pure cardio) so if you need tips, don't be afraid to ask me for some advice.
  7. Damnascus

    Working Out?

    Here's a link for motivation: Here's a site with various workouts for muscle groups: http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Directory.html As for workouts, I cannot say the exact workouts I do nor the repetitions but I can mention the muscle groups and days: Monday – Abs/Triceps/Biceps/Cardio (chest considering I do push-ups on a daily basis) Tuesday – Abs/Chest/Shoulders/Cardio Wednesday – Rest Day (only with morning & night maintenance workouts i.e: push-ups, crunches, flutter kicks) Thursday – Abs/Legs/Cardio Friday – Abs/Back/Cardio
  8. Damnascus

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, I was outside watching the sun when suddenly I got an overpowering urge to watch porno, so as soon as I walked into my house I turned my computer on but got thirsty, so I went to the kitchen and opened my fridge, then I checked for water but I accidentally the bottle ): The end.
  9. ei get on msn.

  10. You're so hot boy like Candlejack you sh
  11. hehe ya bby. i accidentally the whole bottle....
  12. o hi
  13. My action hero senses were tingling, disturbing my dinner Me & my sister, don't ask what I was doing
  14. I see a sexy guy there! (sohomo) Hi guys, decided to pop for no reason by before this post gets deleted.
  15. men i cum when 1 speak

  16. Then there's my point. If it's still working like that, then there's no point in trying to nerf the Coma chance. And yeah, I remember Genesis constantly saying "you can't directly change those skills" so nothing would be done.

  17. I mean, how it's not breakable even without FCP anymore if GTB is equipped or something like that. Or was that changed?

  18. Can Gypsy/Clown still break shields that have GTB equipped? If not, then bring that up in your argument in the thread.

  19. p.s; Blueberry is a girl, you can learn from her.

  20. DEAL. Do you have a Facebook?

  21. That's definitely true except you live in Revere and I'm in Boston lol. Let's chill when winter ends. I only go out with girls during the winter lol

  22. Nothing much.. school, working out, job hunting.. the usual. You?


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