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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Tactless

  1. Okay, so i made this on Paint and it was my first try ever so don't laugh at me :blush: Element Logo’s - http://www.freewebs.com/avatar-videos-onli...NLbroekieNL.jpg Chinese Symbols - http://www.theminster.net/images/Ideogram.gif Text - http://textanim.com/#text IGN Tactless<3 *Silver Twilight* or Hailey's FCPer
  2. Tactless


    S/T>Green Emp[1800] or Gold Rop + Gvh + 1000 or Gold Rop +2xGVH+700 or Gold Rop +2xGVH+Drops RS I'm Also Selling Green Rop [6??] current offer is 600 And Santa Poporing RS[350] or offer? Coupons Preferred Leave Offers here or PM me in game on Tactless<3 , Hailey's FCPer , or Broadcast for Hailey and i'll try to answer you
  3. Maybe I'll try :shiftyeyes_anim: I'll use paint cause thats all i got :P <3 good luck to all who enter
  4. bump
  5. S>1 Santa Poporing[???] Green Emp [1800] Green Rop[6??] C/O 600
  6. bump
  7. S>Gypsy Harp[80] or? S>Gypsy Set[20] or ? PM me in game on or leave a message here, Merry Christmas <3
  8. :D Just Donated for some of those Sexy Rucksacks.... By Mail though, hope it gets there soon :laugh: . Merry Christmas to all <3
  9. Then you reduct easier and still deal decent damage because you don't need any str
  10. Doesn't that make those chars even more useless if they don't have FCP. in GvG for example; a stalker gets striped/WSed and cant backslide away pretty much just waiting to die...
  11. How is the Enlarge Weight Limit going to work? When your weapon gets stripped are you going to be overweight and unable to attack or use skills?
  12. Personally i think Paladins have enough HP. I have been playing a pally the last few weeks and the HP seems fine, but i wont vote against more HP :D Nice Job on the updates :D
  13. Tactless


    B>F.Cloak, 2xVit Belts, Santa Poring Hat
  14. Tactless


    Bump :D
  15. Tactless


  16. Tactless


  17. Tactless


    S>2k Kukre Cards 100:1 S>Red Daidem [10] or offer S>Drooping Valk Hat [25] S>Stormy Knight Card [10] S>+0 Stalker Set [25] S>Hollowring Card [10] S>Detale Card [10] S>Garm Card [5] S>Baphomet Card [5] S>Deviling Card [10] S>Ktulnaxx Card [10] S>Gypsy Bow[10] Most prices are Negotiable Leave message or pm me in game Tactless™ (to do the ™ on alt pad alt+0409)
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