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About Maii

  • Birthday 04/28/1995

Contact Methods

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio, Texas,
  • Interests
    Role playing, MvP kills, WoE, IMVU, Gaia, graphic design, drawing, Anime, Manga, cats, poking, writing, typing, chatting, PvP, Ragnarok ( obviously |D ), techno, electronica, trance, metal, rock, pop, underground, acid, black metal, death metal, Bleach, coloring, soccer, basketball, action, blood & gore, Hellsing, small dogs, DS, game cube, ps2, sort of hip-hop, pixels, Designing, Music, Photography, Raves, Macro, Steampunk, Cybergoth, Punk, Basketball, Soccer, Friends, Chat, Events, silver, vampires, creating custom monsters, abstract drawing, romance, violence, horror, comedy, rainbow, black, gray, navy blue, orange, red, purple, green, starbursts, smarties, coloring, fruit, strawberries

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Masukia Maru
  • Ingame Character Names
    Tamata Maii

Maii's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Omg! Happy Birthday! :)

  2. Ragnarok the Animation was alright xP Hehehe My list: Hellsing <3 Hare Hare Yukai ( Seasons 1&2 ) Code Geass Full Metal Alchemist Bleach <3 Moribito Cowboy Bebop Big O ( ?? If that counts, I'm not sure. ) One Piece Gakuen Alice Full Moon wo Sagashite Axis Powers Hetalia <3 Blood+ Trinity Blood Rozen Maiden *Some I haven't finished/caught up to because I'm busy with other stuff/continuous series XD
  3. Forgot to come here yesterday lol sorry XD

    I think I got it to work. I will see in a few seconds...Nope. The patch did patch now but it says the FKreno has stopped working :/ guh I'll figure it out eventually XD

  4. hmm, well, okay, I'll pm you msn and add me there [:

  5. Yeah, I did. I still have it too, but either it won't unfold or my computer won't let it work. My dad put some latest CA security crap on here and it's..complicated to deal with.

  6. Hehe, you too =D

    Hey, you have msn? Can you send me the files for the whole server? It stil lwon't work for me :/

  7. && oh ya, and merry xmas to you too! :D

  8. da hell... did you report this? and well, have you downloaded that pathc-fix which was posted in announcement and extract it to the same fro folder? it should work patching if you did so :s

  9. Nah, can't be ingame. I haven't been online for about a month by now. I WOULD be online, believe me, I would, I love RO. It's just it won't work ever since they put that new patch to fix the whole character deleting problem, thing. Same thing for my friend, though, she's kind of new to this whole...gaming o.O

    Merry XMas :3

  10. uhm, I guess I'm just that nice xD. Or, well I might see you ingame, but never talk :P.

    and I'm fine, abit sleepy even tho it's already noon and holidays are almost there so ya~~ cant wait :D.

  11. Good.

    Sorry if this sounds..rude or whatever, hehe XD But, do I know you from somewhere? For some reason you seem quite familiar either that or you're just THAT friendly :3 In a good way, of course...

    So, how are you? :3

  12. haha, its alright :D

    how've u been (:?

  13. Sorry about this reply being late :/


    Hi :3

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