Okay so I'm runnin along SG'n anything I see and come across Hollowring,
with way more than half of its HP, and I decide that I'm gonna be a prick
and out-damage this other wiz(because I know I can) and steal the MVP.
Well I did just that, AND I got the MVPaward, BUT the other wiz snatched up
the card.
I could give a crap less about a Hollowring card since I don't play chumps.
NOW my question/issue/gripe is :
If I got the MVP award shouldn't this have been my card ?
IF SO, why was this other wiz able to pick it up? because he attack'd it first?
Is this gonna happen next time I see an MVP card drop?
And, IF I have 3 screenshots can I have my card? /heh