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Dearly Beloved

Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About Dearly Beloved

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Guardian (5/10)



  1. 1,000 :)
  2. 2 8 4 .
  3. Simply beautiful.
  4. 245.
  5. 1 1 8 .
  6. @!!& (2117)
  7. Lol xD;

    & Yea, ofc i'm back 2 school. :3

    But it's kinda lazy tho, since i have to wake up 5 am everyday except for the weekend that is. x.x;

  8. Dear Diary, @Danny: What?! Are you serious?! We DON'T live near each other AT ALL?!! D: Well, you should at least try playing it! It's fun & tiring! (: Where to start? Where to start? Hm. First of all, I've been sick with a HORRIBLE cold for the past week and during the same time, I had just went back to school. Of all times, I had to get sick on school days! Just plain EVIL!!! ... After thinking about it hard, I didn't do much but this: *cough*, *cough*, *COUGH*, drink medicine, go to sleep, wake up in the middle of the night and do homework & go to school (and do it ALL OVER AGAIN). Fin.
  9. Coincidence... I think not!

    Really, that's amazing how we're looking at each others profile at the same time!

  10. But OH WELL. Let's just start all over! (:

    How have you been? Is everything going well?

  11. If you said "start again," that must mean we met! D:

    Hm.. maybe you mistaken me for my sibling who plays my account from time to time.

  12. Dearly Beloved:

    Currently: Viewing Profile: ~Candy~


    Currently: Viewing Profile: Dearly Beloved

    Lol XD

  13. Hah, that's fine if you don't know anyone who's like that.

    Hm. This must be weird to ask, but since I don't know what to talk about.. are you back in school?

  14. Your very welcome! :3

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