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Forsaken Elite
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About DeathZyte

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    In your heart..

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Knight (3/10)



  1. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=668881043235451&set=a.358735657583326.1073741828.100003406855218&type=1&theater
  2. Lol.. Did somebody mentioned my name?
  3. hey,look who's here!

  4. lol what a suggestion. -1 to this.
  5. I wonder what's the prize for KoE event?

    1. adam-


      1 Minigame for each member of the guild.

  6. Its working fine now, I used the old patcher and it works. Thanks.
  7. When I run the patcher, it says "Where's the configuration file".. Can I have some assistance pls? Downloading the all-in-one installer seems very slow right now, 7kb per/sec :( thanks.
  8. Nerf spiral pierce and BB or just remove Lord Knight from FRo. lols
  9. Dymlos said he is the best sinx/breaker in this server, we need to change the list. lols
  10. [bullet] said he is the best GS ever lived in the server, he can kill a whole guild alone. lols.
  11. Soon...
  12. No offense but I can't see the logic in here.
  13. +1 to this, I think a small increase in % of drop would not hurt so much. No need to re-post our disagreement/agreement on this, let's hear other's thought and wait for Admin to decide. Thanks.
  14. What the F.. Error in Fcity? :(

    1. Justice


      Are you fully patched?

  15. Why do my client got auto-exit in fcity map? Same thing happen to some of my friends. My client has the latest updates, but if I use my old FRo client which is not updated I got no error. Someone please advise?
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