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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About Zeitgeist

  • Birthday 09/10/1988

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    Guadalajara, Mexico

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Hero (6/10)



  1. DotA is way more balanced than LoL is. I still get a lot more kicks playing a dota game than a LoL one.
  2. Zeitgeist


    How do I play this game again?
  3. Zeitgeist


    I'm honestly surprised this account is still standing. Also, back to playing.
  4. Zeitgeist

    New Years

    Happy new year everyone.
  5. I remember you from our old server.
  6. You've been around, lately. Don't think that would go unnoticed.


  7. @storeall commands are generally unstable and a lag spike can mess up with the works, also can be abused to duplicate items. Healer and Repair NPC seem okay with me but just a chat window displaying some sort of message would not hurt, same for repair NPC. If we wanted to make it automatic, I'd say a floor triggered NPC that can heal people in an area would be more convenient. Then again I can foresee people abusing that by AFKing there to prevent others to heal. Repair in one go sounds ok if you're required catalysts to do it.
  8. I would say it's unnecessary, but we still need input from the community. The forum ticket system already get bogus tickets, unanswered tickets, and claims for people who look at other people funny. Seriously, I would say that it would only contribute to GM work hindrance since we'd need to swim through pages of spam and fake reports. Besides you cannot have a big typing space nor a way to upload screenshots in-game, which is something we ask in almost every ticket.
  9. Welcome back!!!!!!!!! <3

  10. Hey Jorge, just wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to my most favorite person on forsaken. <3 Much love to ya =D <3

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