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Arvin Jonathan Cabanas

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Arvin Jonathan Cabanas

  1. Purple 1.6k Orange 1.9k
  2. Fhelm [65] Skellington Rucksack [250] 2x Angeling Rucksack [190]
  3. When will you guys make the Scarf(Voting Reward) unavailable? I hope the scarf stays in the donation reward for a longer time, like a month or 25 days more, 'cause I'm trying to get it once I get my voting coupons. Thanks!
  4. S>Orange Emp=1.8k / T>to Green/Purp+DQs
  5. Skellrucky(400)=any colored ROP that amount to that rucky
  6. Paying with 800Dqs+Skellruck(400)
  7. How bout I buy your purple emp with 800dqs+ skellruck(400)?what you think?
  8. S>OrangEmp[1.8k]SkelRuck[400]Fdag[80]2VtBlts[170]1hPallySpear[30]VR[25]DevCard[ 10]
  9. Btw, shud I put GR on me to do more damage with civil cervant?
  10. Yeah I use 2FBHs. N thanks for the info. ^^
  11. I'm kinda new to this pally character and i'm wondering what cards are good to do descent damge when using martyr's reckoning. For now I have: TG+TG+skelworker+cervant something(gives +20% ghost damage) in my weapon Thanks!
  12. Left hand weapon, which one deals more damage (sinx): TG TG SKEL SKEL or TG SKEL SKEL SKEL or TG SKEL SKEL VR(str attack boast nullified) thanks. It would be helpful
  13. Pls. let the players know when will you change the dispel effect. Thanks ^^
  14. Since the effect of Valk Rand card has been changed for sinx (0.01% dispell | nullify physical attack strength boast), I'm wondering if it still usefull or not anymore for sinx?
  15. Ouch. So no longer some players will have FCP in the future? What if some players tries to avoid their armors from getting break in pvp isnt that fair with the people with WS or Acid Bomb?
  16. Wonderin where/how to get FCP scrolls thnx
  17. Please help me with stats build and equips for my sniper killing Thanatos. Also should I have +0 or +10 on my f.kings set?
  18. Oh ok. What's ur preferred stats build for Sniper hunting Thanatos?
  19. How come when i went to the places where i put all the fragments, a message popped up saying "you cannot approach the crest because it is generating intense heat"?
  20. Suggest Stats build? dex =? int = ? and so on. Thanks!
  21. Do you need kiels for double strafing?
  22. What are the best required equips? items? including arrows. F.King set i know, but what else? cards? helm? help me thanks
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