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Arvin Jonathan Cabanas

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Arvin Jonathan Cabanas

  1. yeah I posted one in Influence's forum and Royal Mafia's forum as well.
  2. Hi guys, I just got a message from my friend in game that my character is trying to scam everyone using my name. I've already told you guys that I quit fRO and RO forever in the Farewell section. And if you guys see this in game names: Antidote, Arvin, Palos, YayO, and Alpha, that's not me whose playing, it's the hacker. Anyways, I'm just warning you guys. Thanks and BYE!
  3. I was planning to quit fRO, not only fRO, but RO forever because of school. Unfortunately, a hacker did it for me LOL. So, here's what happened. Someone pm me, a Filipino guy too, who is my own color and race told me to download something. So i did. Then he instructed me to do the steps he wanted me to do, and I did too. So then, I didn't know it was trying to hack me already. I logged in to the software he gave me, then my password and username was sent in yahoo messenger and in game. Then, he has my account now. My password is even changed too. So I guess it was the calling for me to quit RO forever. Anyways, I had fun being with you guys even in the small amount of time I had. -Arvin-
  4. NO, because WS card is part of the game (Duhh) sigh
  5. PM: Antidote
  6. Becoming rich now lol -arvin-
  7. Do you guys feel fRo still rocks or bleehh? If yes how so? If no, what ways GMs can make fRO improve.
  8. is your in game name: Aeon?
  9. Man FRO GMs should fix that before everyone freaks out. I have the same problem too. I can only vote once in 24 hours.
  10. I put up a topic about this in the suggestion section. I just need your help to get this suggestion to be approved.
  11. Since we have a fluffy wing which reduces damage by 10% like SGW do, why not put up a reflect wing. And also RAWs are hecka expensive to buy. Some people might not even have patience to save up dqs for 4k just for a RAW. I know we have a pikachu hat which do the same thing as RAW do, but the thing is people won't have a chance to avoid getting freeze. So yeah, I want to sudjest because I saw one topic in the discussion forum about reflect wing (vote rewards)
  12. 5Kiels[40ea] Tao[40ea] +0Fshield[95] Leave Name Thanks!
  13. Paying:1.9k+Fshield+2Kiels leave your offer here
  14. NVM, It's working now :)
  15. My computer was rebooted because of virus that attacked it. So everything is gone. I downloaded the FRO 3in1 today, installed it and everything. Problem is, the patch won't run. What should I do?
  16. 1.4k for green emp
  17. i voted yesterday at 5:17 p.m. (Pacific time) and it was probably 6-7pm(server time) but anyways, when i tried to vote early this morning 7:00a.m, the last time i voted that showed in the voting was 00:17:58. That is way off from the time i voted last. Please inform me what's happening, or is it just me. Thanks -RM-
  18. Leave Name THanks
  19. Q> Will the GM release some new colored emps later this year/some time? Thanks
  20. nope, 150 is the price. sell it for 200 to others if u can
  21. Leave your offer Thankx
  22. 150 dqs
  23. I tried playing RO with 3rd classes, and it was boring as heck
  24. PM me here or in game. Just BC Arvin
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