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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Tee-chan

  1. Tee-chan

    Buying Items

    HI Catherine! (tg here ) Offer for 800 of them I shall hunt them till I drop if you give me a good deal <3
  2. 9 3 7 ! -Tee
  3. -Leave Comment- (Because I didn't Last year) :3

  4. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

  5. Tee-chan

    Hi Hi!

    Hello, fRO! I'm tg! (or Tee~) Nice to meet you all! :3 I played fRO about 1.5~2 years ago?! (ish~) and Now I'm back all Nooby! ( Still Nekkie ) I wonder if anyone still know me :o If you see me in game do say Hi~! In game, I am: Shourei. - HP Skylink - Soul Linker (More to come!) <3! 4649! -Tee-chan
  6. It looks sxc tho :3
  7. Tee-chan

    Dear Diary.

    dear diary, life sucks. fro getting boring. nothing to do. -end
  8. >: Wait till you want to convert .bmp --> .spr -_- i was stress for a week and half trying to figure it out >_>
  9. jajajajaja xD thanks nines <3 now that you mentioned it it's true :P
  10. Here's mine [Geek warning] DNA Replication Song! dis one is DNA song~ Glucose song? :P Carbon is Girl's best friend x.x Photosynthesis song Fishy Fishy song x.x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI5tiNV4kCc...feature=related My Favourite PCR song! :D Enjoy <3. xP.
  12. :D thanks! keep it simple :3. That's my plan. ish classic :3. (tho it looks like a CD cover x.x)
  13. >: sighs. B> Phtoshop $1 S>GIMP - Free! Mine. te he - IGN: Meat Ball Program: GIMP No stock :D
  14. Let's not go there shall we :P. Critical Judgement for each other's work is always a good thing~ It helps us learn of what other people think -sometimes which we can't even figure out by our own self~ :P Ignore douches that tries to comment on things negatively ~ >:
  15. i set record i don't know who angelina jolie actually is LOL .__. *ish honest*
  16. adojasdasfsfasfasr39q3 when's the next update nines ;O
  17. >_>
  18. rawr can i vote now >:
  19. ya me knows Q_Q. I wasn't satisfied with it, My Photoshop got formated >: So i had to use GIMP and i totally have no clue how to decrease fill x.x I was using Eraser with Opacity to make it transparent ish Q_Q.
  20. I think he meant: 1.Make working field 20 x 20 pixel bigger than it is 2. Crop Image 3. Put in Center 4. It gives better Banner feel. -nods- Thanks nines. You were AFK for my Inspiration time Q_Q. *heartbroken* -artistict blockage-
  21. Quick spam other places! :P just kidding!
  22. Yay Movies! :3 I was thinking of doing my anime but I'd go with real ones for now. Movie: 10,000 BC IGN: Meat Ball Program: GIMP My Stocks: http://movies.nytimes.com/2008/03/07/movies/07ten.html http://spiritflow.wordpress.com/2009/11/23...wn-your-wishes/ http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/wallpaper/d...4-id-143526.htm p.s Lovely sig Pamela :3
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