We should have valk toks that are kinda like the imp toks cept they can turn any of our useless hats into a valk helm~ like a kitsune mask or a drooping cat hat ect ect ect :th_ok: i think a valk token should be a donate item and cost the same as the ones in the shop.
its not like the belts have been same weight for 4 years or anything. My GS can now only hold 100 seeds if lucky. NOTHING else...>_> i wont lie HIGHLY disappointed in the update as well i think the belts should stay the same as theyv always been...it made my fav class useless.
^ Agree!
Just because they gave WS a way to defend themselves for once and you wanna see it get taken away because your to lazy to learn to fight. :P WS is easy to kill just as any other class is. I agree just fight around it.