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Fabre Stalker

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Fabre Stalker last won the day on October 16 2011

Fabre Stalker had the most liked content!

About Fabre Stalker

  • Birthday 08/05/1990

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    Jen the kitty

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    In a shoe box
  • Interests
    Hiding in socks. Being Random, Lurking. Making vids.

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  1. We should have valk toks that are kinda like the imp toks cept they can turn any of our useless hats into a valk helm~ like a kitsune mask or a drooping cat hat ect ect ect :th_ok: i think a valk token should be a donate item and cost the same as the ones in the shop.
  2. uhm..there his tokens he can spend them on what he wants.
  3. its a good thing we have such hard working GMs!
  4. its not like the belts have been same weight for 4 years or anything. My GS can now only hold 100 seeds if lucky. NOTHING else...>_> i wont lie HIGHLY disappointed in the update as well i think the belts should stay the same as theyv always been...it made my fav class useless.
  5. ._. is the Crown Parrot hat supposed to be on your feet....? i think its bugged...
  6. you get nothing at all! :D its all just for fun
  7. ;p Disagreeing with this topic! WoE 2.0 is ment to be hard not a walk in the park! If your tactics dont work then try a new one~
  8. ^ Agree! Just because they gave WS a way to defend themselves for once and you wanna see it get taken away because your to lazy to learn to fight. :P WS is easy to kill just as any other class is. I agree just fight around it.
  9. -1 Disagree i donated for this weapon id love to not see it go to hell.
  10. XD that...is..crazy. but it sounds like fun!
  11. because ALL of us can clearly afford to buy a imp! y3p!
  12. 0_0 yay for wasting our tokens on this....ugly...thing.
  13. - Possible fix for Lost Dragon sprite error. ^ still not fixed but i stilll love teh update!
  14. yessss! woe 2.0!
  15. ;o sooo we gonna get dis accepted or what?
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