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Everything posted by ~Id~

  1. S> Blue RoP and a Marin Rucksack... Just leave offers here or Broadcast on fkRO. Kindly leave your IGN aswell. Thank you. BO[best Offer] Wins.
  2. ~Id~

    Owl City <3

    Hi, I just wanna rant out stuff about a band/music composer.. Owl City. The songs are pretty good actually. So to those who seem to be troubled by life, romance, and food. Try listening to the songs he wrote <3 Uh yea. I'm not gay or w/e. Just wanted to post. sooo ./facepalm.gif Haha, meh, idkk, prob just bored. Tho, i hope i don't get murdered via words of disgression or anything harsh for that matter. lol. That's all. Hi.. P.S. Kuoch, I never knew you listened to Owl City. Thought you liked Jayszon Mirazsz (:
  3. Sorry if i'm going to make you answer your own question. I just feel it's more appropriate to actually ask you, What your initial offer is for my Poporing Rucksack.?? And as you maybe aware of, I be called Mutiny..
  4. ~Id~

    Hi, I'm New.

    Haha. Aight, I'll make sure to give you a holla. Man, there are 150+ views. Leave your ghey koments plox <3 Haha. Don't be shy, I don't bite... I just lick stuff :3 ( GIRLS ONLY ) ./facepalm.gif P.S. Duong ( JAY ), YA SUP <3 It's Anthony from nlRO ((:
  5. ~Id~

    Hi, I'm New.

    lol. I'll go get a wine barrel then and just RO.ahuahuaehuahe.
  6. y fail la. i so hot.

  7. ~Id~

    Hi, I'm New.

    Ohh..How ish i gong to pluy dis so kold Rolling Over (RO)? :3
  8. ~Id~

    Hi, I'm New.

    IKR.LOL.Man, why such warm welcome?:33 teehee. Do people love me tat much?:33 But yea, srsly, what is r RO? ):
  9. B> Sacred Golden Wings. [2000 Donation Coupons] Cold Hard Tickets :>> Anyone of you guys wanna sell one for me, I'd appreciate it. Just leave a reply or a notice with your specific Ingame-name. Thanks <3. Cya 'round.
  10. Signature plox D:

  11. ~Id~

    Hi, I'm New.

    Hi guys, I'm new. What is a RO?.
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