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About Mitizuki

Mitizuki's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Mitizuki

    I Quit.

    Hey gilga, you're not leaving! it's not a goodbye it's a "i'll wait for your return!" so i won't say goodbye =(. WHO'S GOING TO PVP WITH ME NOW! Only you can kill nublets with you're haxor cart revolution =(. How am i going to keep people from asking me "will you marry me plz" if i can't tell them i my bf is gilga! zomg =( I remember the first time we met on ForsakenRO, it was during my first dice game with Mimzy and you were on treachery you're sexy stalker. It was just me and you left in that dice game when the GM finally decided that you're the winner, but instead of running off you we're kind enough to give me 2 event coupons. Then we became friends, but not that close yet. I would roam around in FRO looking for MVP to fund for my characters and remember asking you for valk items. YOU gave me the whole valk set (minus the helm, not forsaken set regular valk) and that was the beginning of my great journey in FRO. Now i am here where i am in FRO because i had people like you to help me. I'm going to miss saying "good morning, good night", BUT i know you will return when you finish whatever you need to finish. Anywho i won't say goodbye i'll just say I'll miss you FOR THE TIME BEING, TOODLES GILGA =(
  2. make a sinx since they seem to be popular
  3. most wiz sg because it's killed or be killed instincts i remember when i was on my wiz if i didn't sg the first person i see and was being "nice" i would get killed instead
  4. it's peanut butter jelly time
  5. Mitizuki


    welcome to the server
  6. Mitizuki


  7. Mitizuki


    welcome to forsaken it's an awesome place just don't get mad when you are randomly killed in pvp it tends to happen
  8. just out of curiosity isn't FBH consider a donation item too (you definitely can't obtain it from mvp) , and if so why is it allowed during non-donation lms (also OL, Deviling, GUN, can't be obtain through mvping either)
  9. well if you do add it again i would suggest adding in where the person is so that they can't continue to spam and people will try to kill them like if they obtain 5 kills it would be like (*insert name* is godlike at *insert map name* everyone go kill him/her)
  10. haha look at me i'm afk in the picture god i need to make a siggy
  11. By the way when is this event over?
  12. i hope your on damascuz so i can make you explode with pleasure -Mimzy
  13. like the title i want to know what i'm going to get for doing this quest that seems like a pain in the butthizzle so if any gm would kindly insert some screenshots of what the stats are for the forsaken elite items that would be awesome
  14. is this where we post the screenshot?
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