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Muffin Master

Forsaken Elder
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    Josef <3

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  1. More art added to the first post! :3 Let me know what you think.
  2. Here's my entry! IGN: Krztaszma Source: http://images.wikia.com/dothack/images/a/a6/Haseo_Xth_Form.jpg
  3. ;3333 Thanks <3 QAQ That totally means a lot! Thanks! I'd totally like your post, but apparently, I've reached my quota of likes per day. .__.
  4. :3 thanks a lot.
  5. o: It was in an update a while ago wasn't it? A place where you can farm the gold bouillon's right? /hmm I think...
  6. Muffin Master


    So, I've been drawing a lot lately on my pc with my tablet. Tell me what you think of some of my more recent drawings and doodles: Watch this one being drawn on YouTube if you want: Update: December 5th, 2011 Watch this one being drawn on YouTube if you want: Watch this one being drawn on YouTube if you want:
  7. I'm voting for [2]Nines Creativity - 3 Technical - 4 Execution- 4 Aesthetic- 4 Total: 15 The sig nine's put out is just more aesthetically pleasing than the others. I really like the boldness of the black hand. I like that it's not ALL grayscale and there's some contrasting and crisp values. And all the whispy lines carry a nice sense of movement through the sig.
  8. Franky, Franky, Franky.. u_u IGN: Krztaszma Source: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/239/3/b/Franky_Render_1_by_RoronoaRoel.png
  9. Just let me know if you want something hand drawn. :3 I can do signature style too. Or both
  10. Here's some: http://i51.tinypic.com/qybdif.jpg http://i56.tinypic.com/szzteg.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/m8p85h.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/16bn700.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/2q2mzdc.jpg
  11. I could totally do that for you, but my schedule's quite busy so it may take a while to finish. : ( What I'd need to have though is: -SS of the characters -What kind of poses/emotions you want portrayed -If you want any Background drawing -If you want Color, Black and white, or just line art. (I really need to know and you should also keep in mind that if you choose color, it should cost more than a line art) -Non-Chibi? Chibi? Other than that if you need to see anything from me, like sample pics, just ask.
  12. Render: http://www.mangareader.net/kuroshitsuji/61/14 Moon: http://www.ninjabetic.com/storage/post-images/moon.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1304008513150 Font: "Ink In The Meat" Manga: Kuroshitsuji (aka: Black Butler) This is Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji. Aside from the moon and the page of the manga, I did everything else. Messed around a lot with complimentary combinations @_@ Like Red and Green or Purple and Yellow. edit: typo
  13. Phew! Just made it! Source: http://i18.mangareader.net/bleach/353/bleach-16566.jpg IGN: Krztaszma I love to color so much <3 But.... Took me forever to make that manga page colorable. @_@;;; I'm so glad school is over and I can finally have time to do SOTW again! Edit: misspelt something. x__x
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