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Everything posted by pardypards

  1. -[ 1 ]- named after my 1st character slot. -[ TrapsNest ]- one of the bands in my fav anime Nana -[ BlackStones ]- another band from the anime Nana 8===(,,,,)D~~ i made this for randoming its like when i kill them, im going to say u got killed, by a DICK!
  2. am i a beast or what! FML
  3. lol im the emperor bow down to me!
  4. thats the power of human imagination for yah.
  5. LOL no ken, if it has a hole to put my wiwi then its my type prbly the CD hole!lmao!?!?!
  6. well it doesn't matter Anime girls- Real life girls, im a guy who screws everything!! IF IT HAS A HOLE THEN UR MY TYPE!!!! :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:
  7. pardypards


    kay bby i knock on ur door u no? uwants it!? u gets it then and that always happens to me cuz my freaking dog always licks me till i wake up Q_Q
  8. pardypards


    Ikr! menz imagine super novice devoing breaker sinx at woe!! ftw men so pro!
  9. pardypards


    OH men i wish super babies has devo!!! u no it be so awesome! oh shit pls make a devo skill for super novice pls pls pls!! pretty pls!?
  10. Q_Q
  11. can i join plox!
  12. pardypards


    sigh. people thinks sasuke owned itachi. fyi guys itachi lost on purpose just so you know and if you read the manga itachi is really a great guy and another sigh. kisame dead sigh. and now madara vs danzo sigh.
  14. me and my fiance.
  15. pardypards


    they get errored too, but their is a certain area the error cant reach.
  16. pardypards


    tnx <3 i hope guilds like RM don't abuse this error to much.
  17. pardypards


    men last last woe i was breaking in payon cuz we caught it empty it was like only 8 rm dudes guarding it.so we ecalled inside the emp room. after hitting for like 3 sec a rm champ with rop asuraed and errored me. were sure were going to break it if we ddnt got errored so yeah!! abuse men. Q_Q
  18. pardypards


    men i hate working, having 6 to 8 hours part time at a fastfood joint surrounded by deouche bags.
  19. false i hate dancing, TPBM likes cat dumplings?
  20. oh fork this.
  21. oops wrong forum.
  22. i pray for you.
  23. hell yeah!!!
  24. tnx bbby <3
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