I've done this for super novice and super baby. the baby has less hp, but it's not a problem if you have the right stuff.
First get the right gear:
Angelic Cardigan
Angelic Protection
Angelic Guard
Angel's Kiss
Angel's Reincarnation
Look them up on ratemyserver
Next, card them:
Armor: Succubus Card or Apocalipse card, which is a difference of 200 hp. up to you
Shield: theif bug egg
garmet: up to you, I use raydric
headgear: incubus (combo's with succubus), or carat
footgear: antiquie firelock gives +10% hp which would be about 600hp,I use a fox guard for the added agi, flee and such
star dust blade[1] if melee, use a sidewinder card and you'll double slash with the sword
town sword[2] has less damage, but the extra slot may help
if you want to use a dagger,
Cinquedea[2] has more damage than a main gauche [4] so I would prefer it, unless you need the slots.
If you are using magic, then the Hypnotist's staff[2] will give you the most MATK at +25% (rod's 15%)
and with kingring cards, that's +31% vs 27% with a rod.
after you're set up, you should have at least 3.6k hp and 300-400sp, which will be enough for all your buffs
For leveling, I found melee worked best, and i used a sidewinder in the star dust sword
build both str, & agi till you get 195 aspd (after agi up, bless and attention concentrate) + decent damage.
then the 150 dex for faster casting. str till you feel you're good (250-300?)
some int if you want more sp, rest vit
I ignored luk & crit because double slash did more damage on most of the mobs i leveled on.
lastly, skills:
To do melee effectively, first: Double slash, sword mastery, heal, agi up, blessing, improve concentrate.
if you want bash or mammonite (if you can afford it) you can use it at the beginning, but when your aspd is 195, it's not very useful. Provoke helps decrease defense of the target, so it'll be useful.
Then you can get other things like the merchant skills if you want them, divine protection/demon bane if you fight undead/demon monsters, owl's eye to for 10 free dex, some mage skills for fun.
Just remember that you won't be able to get all the skills at job 255, so don't choose useless ones, like vulture's eye.
Leveling is what you would do when you normally level a melee. aim to go through the for_fild02/04/06 quickly, then when you feel ready hit tha_t08
I did tha_t08 till 255 cause i liked getting the cash. I don't recommend lhz_dun03.