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About Soujiro

  • Birthday 12/01/1987

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Soujiro's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Stop hiding from me you two! Let's go play XD
  2. Friend request; Sent.
  3. Fair enough.
  4. Ha? It may be a bit high. But I assure you I am in no way a pr0 >_>;. Try not to worry so much, I can't be that much higher than you. In addition to that. Let's meet up, I have a few other friends that purchased the game as well. And I am certain, the more you play with us, the more we'll be able to assist you in improving your stats and overall gameplay performance :P It is after all a team game you know. So, what say you? Add me.
  5. ..... Well that was irrelevant to anything. Yeah, I pre-purchased it a few months ago. I'm up for a few games sometime. You can add me ingame my name is "Haru" You got it as well?
  6. Cool. Added ya, hope to see you on soon.
  7. You HoN... Why at school o_O?
  8. Ehh... If you really want to help them get better at the game in general, I suggest you help them get better at normal mode more often. I've played matches with EM players and non EM players, and the differences I've noticed are uncanny @_@ In anycase, when are you usually on? I haven't seen you on yet =x
  9. You can check that option off to the left lol. Just make that box red with an "x" through it. And then EM games won't show up :P Alot of different games can be filtered out using it.
  10. Oh my fucking god, what a surprise! That's my FAVORITE CHARACTER LOL XD! And I LOVE whenever my lane partner is demented shamen OR ELECTRICIAN! Also, your Zeroel account isn't that bad, aside from the many EM games, try to steer clear away from those :P But that's pretty decent. Better than my pub account actually.
  11. I completely understand what you guys mean. And for this reason only, do I have separate accounts. One for when I'm playing with my lesser skilled friends/pub games and another one when I'm playing with my higher skilled friends/pub stomping :P Also, I added you Ariean. Looking forward to playing with you online XD
  12. I added you Shadi. And we seem to have a problem even being on at the same time. Got any contact info you can pm me so we get actually have a match? That goes for everyone who's interested :P And if anyone needs a key, I have 25 of them left.
  13. In time you'll learn more I'm sure. So what's your ingame name?
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