Card Stacking Guide
I'm bored, so I did this. Haha.
First of all, Card Stacking is compounding cards into your weapon of choice to attain the highest damage possible. This guide will answer your questions like what's the best card combo? Is 4x blah blah card better than using 2x blah card and 2x blah card? You'll find out after reading this.
To determine the damage output of your card combo, just follow these formula: a * b * x * y = % Increase Damage (By the way, * is multiplication sign. Use calculator to get an accurate answer since you'll be dealing with decimals here.)
a, b, x and y are the possible cards you could compound on a weapon. Since the maximum slot for a weapon is 4. Therefore, it is possible to put 4 different cards on it. (The number of variables used will be determined by the number of kinds of cards that you'll use.)
We'll be using a Chung E (Green Maiden) as a target monster for example.
Here I'll list the Size, Property and Race of this monster. Since cards will increase your damage depending on a specific
Size, Property and Race. Chung E / Green Maiden Size: Medium Property: Wind Race: Demi-Human So the cards that would increase your damage when fighting Chung E are:
Hydra Card (+20% Demi-Human)
Goldenring Card (+25% Demi-Human)
Skelenton Worker Card (+15% Medium, +5 Atk)
Mandragora Card (+20% Wind)
Turtle General card (20% on all types.)
Here we'll use the formula I stated above. Hydra Card is 1.20 or 1.2 since it is 20% more damage. Goldenring is 1.25, Skeleton Worker is 1.15, Mandragora is 1.2 and Turtle General is 1.2.
So now we'll try different card combos and get their final damage output. Btw, you'll not be multiplying same cards. You'll be adding them since they add at the same type of monster. (Means 2 Hydra Cards is 1.4, not 1.44. 3 is 1.6 and 4 is 1.8 and it also includes Goldenring.) Hydra - Hydra - Hydra - Hydra 1.8 or 80% more damage. This combo is not advisable. You might want just to use 2 of them for every weapon. Goldenring - Goldenring - Goldenring - Goldenring 2 or 100% This means it'll double your damage. Goldenring - Goldenring - Hydra - Hydra 1.9 or 90% more damage! Goldenring - Goldenring - Hydra - Skeleton Worker 1.7 * 1.15 = 1.9555 or 95% more damage. Goldenring - Goldenring - Hydra - Mandragora 1.5 * 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 2.16 or 116% more damage. So far, this has the biggest damage output.
There you go. You can now compare which card combo has the highest damage output.
Incantation Samurai Card VS Thanatos Card These cards would increase your damage as well. But it would depend on the enemy/monster that you are fighting. And I don't think they're stackable. Use just one of them.
Incantation Samurai Card: This card will ignore Normal Def. It means your damage will still be the same whether your enemy has +4 Equips or +10 Equips. It'll ignore the def that armors give.
Thanatos Card: Deals more damage depending on the target's def. This is simple. The more VIT/Armor Upgrades your enemy has, the more damage you'll be dealing to them.
Basically, you'll be using the 2x 2x Card Combo or 3x 1x. But then, sacrificing one slot and placing one of these two cards would do a big difference in your damage.
Goldenring Card VS Fallen Bishop Hibram Card I thought I'd add this. It's for some people to know. Since FBH card [MATK + 10%, Maximum SP - 50%
Increases damage inflicted on Demihuman and Angel monster by 50%] is also a good PVP Card. It adds as much as 50% to Demihumans. But for you guys to know, FBH doesn't stack with Goldenring. Too bad isn't it? Nah. Not really.
So I recommend using a Hydra - Hydra - Turtle General - Turtle General Combo Weapon. Or sacrifice one slot and add Incantation Samurai/Thanatos Card.